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Where to find it ...

How to navigate the Oldham & District Branch pages: 

* The Main Menu for the Branch Pages consists of 3 General Categories, plus a page each for : the Branch 'Newsletter', Society 'Shop' and 'Contact us'. These are the titles found in the breadcrumbs bar. Each of which include a number of different pages, for separate topics, in their own breadcrumbs bar. 

* Each of the 3 General Categories has a 'landing page'... identified by our sunset graphic... the content of which introduces the category.
* The breadcrumbs along the top of each landing page provide links to the individual pages within the category.
* Each landing page has a 'Where to find it...' link back to this page.

* Breadcrumbs : are the gold bar, across the top of every page, we know as the breadcrumbs ... a trail to follow, of individual pages in that category.

* Individual pages: These are identified with a header showing the Oldham Owl logo alongslde an image.
* Some of these pages have become 'menu pages' providing links to other pages which are not identified in the breadcrumbs.
*The breadcrumbs along the top of the individual pages, in a category, are all identical, providing links to the other main pages in that category.

*Every Breadcrumb trail includes 'Oldham', at the beginning, linking to the Main Menu for the Branch.


BRANCH EVENTS :  'Calendar of Events - 'landing page
 in the Breadcrumbs bar :
* Meetings
(i) 'How to' for zoom meetings
(ii) 2023 programme of talks for meetings

* Venues and Maps
(i) Introduction to Gallery Oldham
(ii) Map showing location of Gallery Oldham.

* What's New
(i) What's new around the district.
(ii) Updates and additions to the Oldham Branch pages.

* Help Desk
(i) At the meetings in normal circumstances.

* Projects
(i) Projects on-going and completed.

* Volunteers
(i) Volunteers.

ABOUT BRANCH ... 'About Oldham- landing page, with brief committee profiles.
 in the Breadcrumbs bar :
* What we do
(i) A history of the Branch from 1996.

Ancestry & Local History
(i) Featured article, 'Manchester Hill 1918', in the German Spring Offensive, and the local men who died.

* Manchester Genealogist
(i) The Society's quarterly Journal.

RESEARCH ... 'Oldham & District Research' - landing page with links to three featured Articles.
 in the Breadcrumbs bar :
* Local Interest
(i) Pictorial Index to all Local and/or Family History Articles on the Branch pages of the website.
> Index includes link to Gallery of images and photos.
> Index also includes a number of transcriptions additional to those in 'Miscellany'

* Videos
(i) Audio and visual sequences : short presentations, talks and local events.

* Documents
(i) Oldham & District transcriptions in the Members' Area of the website.
Available to members only.

* Miscellany
(i) Miscellaneous .pdf documents uploaded to download or read online on a variety of subjects, and sometimes as additions to articles on the Branch pages. In chonological order of upload. Available to both members & non-members.

* Bookworm
(i) A list of books, mainly published in the 19th century, which can be of interest to local historians. They are also useful for family historians in providing contemporary insights into how our ancestors lived and worked. They are freely availble to read online, or download, from the Internet Archive.

(i) Generic MLFHS content across the website

NEWSLETTER ... Newsletter Sign-up - landing page
* (i) Snippets from the Monthly Oldham & District Newsletter
Links to a selection of Articles, Transcriptions and Gallery in the archived 'Owls' newsletters.
 in the Breadcrumbs bar :
* Newsletter Archives
(i) Browse and download previous newsletters (members and non-members)

SHOP ... MLFHS generic pages across the website
* Local Interest 
* CDs
* Downloads

CONTACT US ... Contact Oldham - landing page
 in the Breadcrumbs bar :
* Venues.
(i) Location map

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