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About Manchester

Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society

What we do

We help our members and visitors to become better family historians by finding, preserving and transcribing records, by meeting quarterly and inviting speakers who entertain, inspire and educate, by working with our partners to make records and histories accessible, by holding regular weekday helpdesks and by hosting our online forum.

The Owens Manuscript

When one of our members discovered the Owens Manuscript, a handwritten diary and account of Manchester and events nearly 200 years ago, the Society immediately took steps to secure this valuable document. Volunteers have transcribed and indexed names and this document is now available, online, to our members.


We study and research the past but we use the best of modern technology to do this. Our new website is making it easier than ever to search over (2.7 now...) 3.5 million records and is opening a new chapter of making more information accessible to members and non-members. Follow our Blog where we will introduce new additions to our collections.


Our partnership with Archives+ at the Manchester Central Library has helped us to scan, transcribe, index and make available more records than ever. We also work with many more oganisations to save or open up archives that have previously been difficult to access. Visit our What's Happening page to see the latest updates.

Help and Advice

At the Manchester Central Library we have exclusive use of a suite of computers each weekday between 10.30am and 3.30am excepting holidays. Our experienced staff are happy to help with all kinds of family and local history questions. Our Virtual Helpdesk is also open to members who cannot access the Library.

Private Research

Since 1964 our flagship quarterly journal has recorded and printed members' research and to made it available to other members. The archives are a valuable resource and fully indexed online. Every member of the Society receives a copy of The Manchester Genealogist quarterly to which every branch of the society contributes.

Upcoming Events in Manchester

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