MLFHS Members' Interests
The search facility provides access to the Society's members' interests as published on the CDROM Members Interests 2006, plus those published in subsequent issues of The Manchester Genealogist. These listings relate to CURRENT members only.
Entering a surname into the search box below will return a list of members' research interests for that surname. If no details are returned, no interests are listed. There are options for exact (letter perfect) matches and near matches as defined by Soundex codes. Clicking on the membership number against any result will bring up a listing of all the surname interests submitted by that member.
Some members have given permission for a facility to be provided which will allow an e-mail to be sent to the submitter. Where this is the case, click on the link "e-mail submitter" and complete the form provided.
In some cases, the member has not given an e-mail address but their postal address will have been given in the Manchester Genealogist indicated against the entry. MLFHS members can access back issues of the magazine from issue 40/1 onwards in the web site member area. We cannot guarantee, however, that these addresses have not changed since the magazine was published. Some entries were published with postal addresses only, on the original CDROM, which is no longer available. These are annotated "Contact MLFHS" and can be followed-up as below.
Where the submitter has not provided an e-mail address, you may contact them by sending a letter in an unaddressed envelope marked "Please forward to member number xxxxx", together with a UK first class stamp (do not stick to the envelope!) to MLFHS, 3rd Floor, Manchester Central Library, St. Peter's Square, Manchester M2 5PD. We will forward to the member's current address.