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Public Resources

Browse our List of Public Resources

War Memorials

This is a searchable index for soldiers named on over 1000 war memorials in Greater Manchester. Results often include a photograph of the memorial.

Zion Letters

Images and transcripts of letters sent by servicemen during WW1 to Harold Hill of the Zion Institutein Hulme. Include two accounts by conscientious objectors.

Catholic Records

An index to over a million names which appear in Catholic baptism, marriage and burial registers for churches within the Salford Roman Catholic Diocese.

Alan Godfrey Maps Street Index

Our volunteers have combed through dozens of their Alan Godfrey Maps and indexed every road, named property and feature of iterest. This list shows you which maps contain your search request and indicate the location on that map. If the map you need isn't in your collection you can order it from our shop.

The Manchester Genealogist Archive

Was your ancestor the subject of an article in our quarterly journal? This index will show the journal number and page. Members can log in to get more information.

The Strays Public Index

'Strays' are ancestors who have been found somewhere away from their expected location. Some of these results are from a card index created some time, ago; other 'strays' have been donated by members during their research.

Read our Blog Articles

Just scroll down the Blog page to see the very wide range of articles available, including many articles about life for our ancestors when the 1921 census was taken. 

Weblinks, A Genealogy Directory

Arranged in straightforward categories, we have listed local and national resources such as register offices, cemeteries and other organisations, and there is also a section for overseas links.

1921 World Timeline

The 1921 Census is the most important UK resource for finding 20th century family links. The 1921 World Timeline places your ancestors and they lived into a local and global context. From disputes abroad to celebrities on stage, this timeline has it all.

Members' Interests

Members are invited to submit surnames to this list. If you find a surname of interest you can contact our office (contact form on the page) to request that your interest be forwarded to the relevant member. Sadly, it may not always be possible to receive a reply, but it's always worth taking a look.