Member Forum
What if you have a family history problem and need some help? Were the memorials of this churchyard recorded, and if so where? What does this abbreviation in the census mean? How could I go about finding someone who emigrated to the USA? One of our members probably knows the answer (they are a pretty knowledgeable lot). Join our Member Forum to share your problem (and your own knowledge) with hundreds of other society members.
How to Join the Forum
To join the Member Forum you must first register with the "Affinity" server and then request membership of the Forum. To do this:
- Click the button below and complete and submit the Affinity registration form. Note that when you set a password it must be at least nine characters long.
- You will receive an email from Affinity asking you to verify your email address. Click the button in the email to do this.
- Confirming your address will take you to the List Information page for the MLFHS Forum.
- Click the link "Click to subscribe to this list".
- Once the moderator has approved your Forum membership, you will receive an email to confirm this.
CLICK HERE for full instructions and Frequently Asked Questions concerning the Member Forum.
As a member of the Member Forum you can post enquiries or announcements of general interest, (provided they relate to family history) or ask whether a fellow member would look up a reference in a local record office. Simply post your message to
How to Change your Settings
To manage your Forum settings, change from single messages to digests, suspend message delivery or unsubscribe, click the button below and on the next page click on the word "Guest" at the top of the page to open the sign-in form.