Just a few of 19th century publications that could interest local history researchers.
Out of copyright, all those listed below are freely available, to read on-line or download,
from the 'Internet Archive', HERE as .pdf files.
Search by author and/or title, or by subject keywords.
When reading works written and published over 100 years ago, we can hear the 'voice' of the time coming through, with the attendant prejudices and opinions of that era in history. Sometimes, the language and opinons expressed can be offensive to 21st century readers. However, by reading those early publications, as well as those more modern, we can avoid being influenced by any undue bias. By comparison between the two, we can form our own, perhaps more balanced, opinions.
Way of Life: Women: Peterloo: Myths & Traditions: Stories, Poems & Dialect :
Referencing Industrial Heritage & General History
'The History of the Siege of Manchester by the King's Forces, under the Command of Lord Strange, 1642' by John Palmer pub. 1822
'History of Trade Unionism' by Sidney & Beatrice Webb revised ed. Pub. 1920
'The Town Labourer, 1760 - 1832' by J.I. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. Pub. 1920
'The Village Labourer, 1760 - 1832' by J.I. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. Pub.1913
'The Skilled Labourer, 1760 - 1832' by J.I. Hammond and Barbara Hammond. Pub. 1920
'The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844' by Frederick Engels, with preface, Pub. 1892
'Merrie England' by Robert Blatchford pub. 1894
'The Risings of the Luddites, Chartists and Plug Drawers' by Frank Peel, Pub.1888
'Failsworth Industrial Society Limited : Jubilee History 1859 - 1909' by J.H. Ogden, Pub. 1909
'History of the County Palatine & Duchy of Lancaster' by Edward Baines. Vols. 1 & 2 both Pub. 1836
'History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain' by Edward Baines Jun. Pub. 1835
'The Jubilee History of the Oldham Industrial Co-operative Society Limited. 1850 - 1900' by J.C. Taylor Pub. 1900
'Historical Essays in Commemoration of the Jubilee of The Owens College, Manchester 1902' edited by T.T.Tout and James Tait.Pub 1907
'The History of the Fabian Society' by Edward R. Pease Pub. 1916
'The Counties of England' Vol. 1, by P.H. Ditchfield and Others, Pub. 1912
'Memorials of Old Lancashire' Vol 1, Ed. by Lieut.-Colonel Fishwick & P.H. Ditchfield
'Factory Folk During the Cotton Famine' by Edwin Waugh Pub.1881 (first published as 'Home-Life of the Lancashire Factory Folk During the Cotton Famine' Pub. 1867)
'A History of the Newton Chapelry in the Ancient Parish of Manchester' by H.T. Crofton Vol. II Part II Failsworth, for the Chetham Society, Pub. 1905
'Local Notes and Gleanings : Oldham and Neighbourhood in Bygone Times', Ed. by Giles Shaw in 3 Vols., Pub. 1887 to 1889.
'A Description of the Country from thirty to forty miles round Manchester' by J. Aikin, Pub. 1795
'An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Town and Parochial Chapelry of Oldham, in the County of Lancaster' by J. Butterworth, Pub. 1817
'The Great Civil War in Lancashire (1642 - 1651)' by Ernest Broxap, Pub. 1910
'Echoes of Old Lancashire' by William E.A. Axon, Pub 1899
'The Annals of Manchester' Ed. by William E.A. Axon, Pub. 1886
'Lancashire Gleanings' by William E.A. Axon, Pub. 1883
'Handbook for Lancashire' Pub. by John Murrary, London, 1880
'Mediaeval Manchester and the Beginnings of Lancashire' by James Tait, Pub. 1904
'An Historical Account of the Towns of Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge and Dukinfield' by Edwin Butterworth, Pub. 1842
'A Survey of the History, Commerce and Manufactures of Lancashire' Pub. 1897
'History of the Anti-Corn Law League' by Archibald Prentice, Vols. I and II both Pub. 1853.
'Historical Sktches & Recollections of Manchester' by Archibald Prentice, Pub. 1851
Referencing a Way of Life ... Towns and Villages
The Manor and Manorial Records by Nathaniel J. Hone 2nd ed. pub. 1912
The Manor Houses of England by P.H. Ditchfield. Pub. 1910
'The Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester, from the year 1552 to the year 1686, and from the year 1731 to the year 1846... Vol. VII from the year 1731 to 1756 Pub. 1888
'The English in the Middle Ages from the Norman usurpation to the Days of the Stuarts' :Their Mode of Life, Dress, Arms, Occupations, and Amusements, by J. Frederick Hodgetts, Pub. 1885
'Annals of Hyde and District' by Thomas Middleton Pub.1899
'The Holidays : Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide; their Social Festivities, Customs and Carols' by Nathan B. Warren Pub. 1868
'Vol. V 'Lancashire Memorials of the Rebellion MDCCXV [1715]' Remains Historical & Literary connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester.' by the Chetham Society.
Pub. 1845
'The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England' by Joseph Strutt, illustrated by William Hone, Pub 1867
'Court Leet Records of the Manor of Manchester' in several volumes
Referencing Women ... and the struggles for equality with men
'Glimpses into the Abyss' (including '5 days and nights as tramp among tramps') pub. 1906
'How to deal with the Unemployed' pub. 1904
'Where Shall She Live? The Homelessness of the Woman Worker' pub. 1910
all by Mary Higgs (of Oldham)
'The Suffragette : History of the Movement from 1905 to 1910 by Sylvia Pankhurst Pub. 1911
'The Subjection of Women' by John Stuart Mill' Pub. 1878
'Women's Suffrage' by Helen Blackburn, Pub. 1902
'A Vindication of the Rights of Woman' by Mary Wollstonecraft ,Pub. 1792
'Millicent Garret Fawcett' by Ray Strachey, Pub. 1931
'Women's Suffrage : a Short History of a Great Movement' by Millicent Garret Fawcett Pub. 1911
'The Women's Victory--and After: Personal Reminiscences, 1911-1918' by Millicent Garret Fawcett Pub. 1911
'Votes for Women' suffragette journals at google newspapers HERE
'The Common Cause' suffragist journals at google newspapers HERE
'Workhouses and Pauperism' by Louisa Twining Pub. 1898
'Prisons & Prisoners : Some Personal Experiences' Constance Lytton & Jane Wharton, Pub. 1914
'Josephine E. Butler' by George W. & Lucy A. Johnson, 3rd ed. Pub. 1928
Referencing Peterloo in 1819; Political Reform and Unrest
'A Letter to Lord Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.' by John C. Hobhouse, Esq. F.R.S. Pub 1819
Bamford's 'Passages in the Life of a Radical' and 'Early Days' edited by Henry Dunckley ("Verax") Vols. 1 & Vol 2 , Pub. 1905
'Notes and Observations, Critical and Explanatory, On the Papers relative to the Internal State of the Country,' Recently Presented to Parliament by a Member of the Manchester Committee for Relieving the Sufferers of 16th August 1819 Pub 1820
'The Story of Peterloo, Written for the Centenary, August 16th, 1919'. by F.A. Bruton, M.A.(of the Manchester Grammar School)
'Three Accounts of Peterloo by Eyewitnesses: Bishop Stanley, Lord Hylton, John Benjamin Smith, with Bishop Stanley's Evidence at the Trial'. Edited by F.A. Bruton, M.A., Litt. D. (of the Manchester Grammar School. Pub. 1921
'Richard Carlile - His Battle for the Free Press' by Guy A. Aldred. Pub. 1912
'The Battle of the Press as told in the Story of the Life of Richard Carlile' by his daughter, Theophila Carlile Campbell Pub. 1899
'Cobbett's Political Register' Volume XXXVI , 1820
'Pamphlets & Parodies on Political Subjects'
by William Hone and Wood cuts by George Cruikshank, Pub 1830
Contains :
the House that Jack Built 1821,
Queen's Matrimonial Ladder 1820,
Form of Prayer 1820,
Non Mi Ricordo 1820,
Political Showman 1821,
Man in the Moon 1821,
Right Divine of Kings &c 1821.,
Slap at Slop 1822
Referencing Myths, Legends, Traditions and Folk Lore
'A Collection of Old English Customs and Curious Bequests and Charities' by H. Edwards Pub. 1842
'Lancashire Legends, Traditions, Pageants, Sports, &c.' by John Harland & T.T. Wilkinson Pub. 1873
'Lancashire Folk-Lore : Illustrative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs and Usages of the people of the County Palatine.' by John Harland & T.T. Wilkinson Pub. 1867
'Legends of Longdendale' by Thomas Middleton Pub.1906
'Saddleworth Superstitions and Folk Customs' by Ammon Wrigley Pub. 1909
'Traditions of Lancashire' by John Roby. in 3 volumes, 5th ed. Pub. 1872
Referencing Stories, Poems, and Lancashire Dialect
'Lancashire Humour' by Thomas Newbigging Pub. 1901
'Tales and Sketches of Lancashire Life' by Ben Brierley, 3 volumes Pub. 1884-86
'Poems and Songs' by Edwin Waugh, Pub. 1889
'A Glossary of the Lancashire Dialect' by John H. Nodal and George Milne, Pub. 1875
"Warblin's fro' an Owd Songster" by Samuel Laycock 3rd Ed. Pub. 1894
'Folk Songs and Folk-Speech of Lancashire' by William Edward Armytage Axon, Pub. 1871
'Mary Barton' by Mrs. Gaskell Pub. 1848
All the titles above are freely available from the 'Internet Archive', HERE as .pdf files.
Search by author and/or title, or by subject keywords.
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