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Snippets from the Monthly Oldham & District Newsletter

The archived Newsletters are freely available, to read as a .pdf, online from the website, or to download.
To get a link delivered to your own inbox, each month, you can sign up HERE

The newsletter sets out to do more than just bring readers up to date with Branch news and what's happening out and about around Oldham and Manchester. It also contains a mix of short articles on family histories (many sent in by readers), and transcriptions that range through manorial records, local mythology and history, social conditions and much more. We include a write-up of the talk given at the previous month's meeting. In the Gallery, each month, you will find a selection of images.
Most of the articles and transcripts are in the section 'Mixed Bag' with a few in the 'e-Postbag'

Below, is a selection from the archived 'Owls' newsletters.
Visit the newsletter archive HERE  then click on the required newsletter to see the file. 

 Articles        Transcriptions        Gallery


Articles - click on the required newsletter HERE . 
Articles 2024 :

* The Early Cotton Industry in Shaw and Crompton
from Michael Wafer... 2024-01

Random Recollections From Julie Schwethelm :
* Ameliorating the Social Condition of the Village
(Droylsden) … 2024-03
* Playing Out … 2024-05
* The Mother Tongue … 2024-06

*  N.U.W.S.S. 1913 Pilgrimage for Women’s Suffrage.  'Missed' - a 110 years anniversary! Better late than never!
Sheila Goodyear ... 2024-07

Articles - click on the required newsletter HERE . 
Articles 2023 :

* A Tale of Two Cities - Manchester Revisited, 2023
from Julie Schwethelm ... 2023-08

* Random Recollections from Julie Schwethelm:
* In Front of the Fire 
… 2023-12
* Measles & Maidens 
… 2023-11
* Fog
... 2023-04
* Ballet Shoes and Brownie Berets ... 2023-05

* An Oldhamer at Gettysburg
From Glyn Collin … 2023-12

Article - click on the required newsletter HERE . 
Articles 2022 :
The Name on the Bag'... 2022-06
Mental Health - Oldham workhouse - Fred ... 2022-08
Random Recollections - Getting the Bus to Ashton ... 2022-08
* Random Recollections - The Market (Ashton-under-Lyne) ... 2022-09
* The Bank Top Mill Dispute - 1896-1897 ... 2022-09
* Random Recollections - School Milk and Royal Scots ... 2022-11
* Scarlet Fever Epidemic .. 2022-11
* Random Recollections - Golden Shred and Christmas Puddings ... 2022-12

Article - click on the required newsletter HERE . 
Articles 2021 :

* Something To Ponder ... 2021-01
* Family Secrets And Lies ... A Family Story ... 2021 -03
* Joseph Nadin, Thiefcatcher and the Next Generation ... 2021-03
* A Russian connection ... enclosed in a letter to the Collins family in Russia ... 2021-04
* Memories of the ‘Tin Mission,’ Neville Street, Oldham ... 2021-05
* The Manor, and Manorial Records ... 2021-06
* William Nield Moss - a leading light in the George Street and King Street Chapels .... 2021-08
* Samuel Collins-Manchester food riot of November 12th 1757 ... 2021-08
* Empire Theatre Memories ... 2021-08
* Edward at Passchendaele - write up of the August talk ... 2021-09
* Thrice Married Elisabeth Rose and The Will (also on the website) ... 2021-09
* James Whitworth (1801 - 1889) Transported to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) for forgery ... 2021-09
* The Adventures (and Mis-Adventures) of Frederick Scrivener Hilary Basil Boddington 1892 – 1965, Aka - Basil Boddington ... 2021-10
* Greenacres Cemetery WW1 Walk : a guided tour of the
cemetery’s World War One graves ... 2021-10
* Finding Jonathan ... 2021-10
* Lewis’s and Store Life ...2021-10
* 1921 Manchester Postcard ... 'Building a hypothetical story' round the names ... 2021-11
* December Meeting write up : Family Life in the Industrial Revolution ... the autobiography of Benjamin Shaw, 1772-1841 ... 2021-12
If the talk (or this synopsis) has whetted your appetite to read more, then you can find the book, to download, as a free .pdf, courtesy of the Record Society of Lancashire & Cheshire's website HERE
A letter to Santa sent up the chimney : A Christmas Story – 1911 to 2011 ... ePostbag 2021-12
Mistletoe and Mince Pies ... memories of childhood Christmas  ... ePostbag 2021-12

Article - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Articles 2020 :
* Further Adventures of Joseph and John Travis ... 2020-02
* Remembering 8th May, 1945, 75 years since V.E. Day (Victory in Europe) - Len's Story ... 2020-05
* "Captain Tom Moore : RAF flypast in veteran's honour" ... 2020-06
* A German Armaments Manufacturer in Oldham During World War One ... 2020-06
* 'Eighty Years on, from June 1940' : Guernsey evacuees ... 2020-06
* More about the Guernsey Boys ... 2020-07
* Failsworth view - Bag of Gold ... 2020-07
* The Summerscales Of Oldham ... 2020-07
* A Gartside Sent to Van Diemen's Land - "Man's Inhumanity to Man" ... 2020-08
* The Hollands or Hollonds of Royton Walk Mill ...2020-10
* George Holden of Holden Fold ... 2020-10
* Feet Up! ... 2020-11
* John And Dinah Ogden ... 2020-11
* Joseph Starkey ... 2020-12

Article - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Articles 2019 :

* An Almost Forgotten Centenary? Alcock's and Brown's 1919 flight ... 2019-06
* Sylvia Pankhurst ... 2019-12
* Joseph Travis, grocer, of Oldham ... 2019-12

archived 'Owls' newsletters
Find them HERE  and click on the required newsletter.

Articles        Transcriptions        Gallery 

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Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics
Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE

Transcripts 2024 :
* Local Brickmaking Outrages & History ... 2024-07
(i) 'The universal dictionary of trade and commerce ... relating to these kingdoms.' 2 pages Brickmaking by Jacques Savary des Brûlons and Malachy Postlethwayt pub. 1766
(ii) 'The Builders’ History', pps. 245-249, by Raymond Postgate (1896-1971) pub. 1923 
(iii) 'Nab End and beyond : The Road to Nab End and Beyond Nab End', Chapter XX, by William Woodruff, pub. 2006
(iv) Various newspapers between 1860-1870 

* Manchester Streets & Manchester Men Vol. 1 (1st series) published in 1906
Manchester in 1804’ pps. 1-5 ...2024-01
Reminiscences Of Quay Street pps. 6-11 ...2024-01
Manchester's Ancient Deanery pps. 12-19 ...2024-01
The Theatre Royal' - Some Noteworthy Incidents In Its History pps. 175-180...2024-01
New Cross, Ancoats ' pps. 19-25...2024-02
'Smithy Door'pps. 26-32 ...2024-02
'Old Salford ' ...pps. 33-37 2024-02
'Manchester's First Improvement Act ’ pps. 35-36 ...2024-02
The Modern Bridge’ pps. 36-37 ... 2024-02
'Manchester Collegiate Church' pps. 38-43 ... 2024-03
'Rev. Joshua Brookes'  pps. 44-50 ... 2024-03
'Round The Old Churchyard' pps. 51-56 ... 2024-03
Some Fennel Street Reminiscences pps. 57-63 ... 2024-04
Hanging Ditch Reminiscences pps. 64-70 ... 2024-04
Round the “Evening News” Office Site pps. 71-77 ... 2024-04
Cross Street Memorials pps. 78-83 ... 2024-04
The Story of St. Ann's Square pps. 103-108 ... 2024-04 
King Street pps. 90-102 ... 2024-05 
Around St. Ann's Square pps. 84-89 ... 2024-05 
Bridge Street pps. 115-126 ... 2024-05
* ‘The Story of Liverpool Road’, pps. 127-138 ...  2024-06
* 'Earliest Manchester’, pps.  139-144 ...  2024-06
* ‘Aldport Lodge & Park’ pps. 145-150 ...  2024-06
* ‘The Making of the Bridgewater Canal’. pps. 151- 156 ...  2024-06
* Title Page, The Contents List and the full Index have been added to the Miscellany Page ...  2024-06

* The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45
by William Harrison Ainsworth (published 1900)
Preface ... 2024-04 

* The Great Civil War in Lancashire (1642—1651)’ by Ernest Broxap, M.A. pub. in 1910
* Chapter III The Siege of Manchester. ... 2024-06

* 'Short Stories about Failsworth Folk 'Reprinted, with additions, from the 'Oldham Chronicle' & 'Manchester City News' by Sim Schofield pub. 1905
* pps. 144-158 ... 2024-01
* pps. 158 - 170 ... 2024-02
* pps 172 to 183 ... 2024-03

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics
Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE

Transcripts 2023 :
* The Book of English Trades 
The Confectioner
with illustration ... 2023-10
The Apothecary’ with illustration… 2023-11

* Short Stories about Failsworth Folk by Sim Schofield pub. 1905
Pages 1 to 15 ... 2023-04
Pages 17 to 33 ... 2023-05
Pages 34 to 49 ... 2023-06
Pages 50 to 69 ... 2023-07
Pages 69 to 75 ... 2023-08
Pages 76 to 94 ... 2023-09
Pages 95 to 114 ... 2023-10
Pages 114 to 125 ... 2023-11
Pages 126 to 143 ... 2023-12

Manchester Streets and Manchester Men, Series 1, by Thomas Swindells pub. 1906
Peter Street
Part I...  Its History & Institutions
pps. 157 to 162 ... 2023-08
Part II... The Reformers & Peterloo pps. 163 to 168 ... 2023-08
Part III... The Free Trade Hall pps. 168 to 174 ... 2023-08
Mosley Street Memorials
Part I... The Mosley Family pps. 181-186 ... 2023-09
Part II... A Rural Hamlet pps. 187-192 ... 2023-09
Part III... The Assembly Rooms pps. 193-198 ... 2023-09
Part IV... Some Former Residents pps. 199- 204 ... 2023-09
York Street Annals ... pps 205-210 ... 2023-10
Faulkner Street ... pps. 211-216 ... 2023-10
Spring Gardens 
Part I ...  pps.217-222 ... 2023-10
Part II ...  pps.223-228 ... 2023-10
Fountain Street ... pps. 229-2240 ... 2023-11
George Street Memorials pps. 241-252 ... 2023-11
Mount Street Memorials pps. 253-258 ... 2023-12
Brown Street Notes pps. 259-264 ... 2023-12

* Manchester Streets and Manchester Men, Series 3, by Thomas Swindells pub. 1907
The Market Place:
Part Vl ... John Shaw And John Shaw's Club
... 2023-01
Part Vll ... The Bull's Head Inn ... 2023-01
Part Vlll ... Elizabeth Raffald ... 2023-01
Part lX ... The Residents Of 1772 ... 2023-01
Part X ...Whitworth's Manchester Magazine ... 2023-02
Part XI... Harrop’s 'Manchester Mercury' ... 2023-02
Part XII ... An Old-Time Newspaper ... 2023-02
Part XIII ... Another Old Newspaper ... Berry’s “Lancashire Journal” ... 2023-02
“The Lancashire Magazine, Or Manchester Museum.” ... 2023-02
Part XIV ... Some Nineteenth Century Connections ... Mottershead & Co. ... 2023-02
High-Street Annals:
Part I ... In 1650 ... 2023-03
Part II ... A Notable Building ... 2023-03
Part III ... A Notable Building ... 2023-03
Part IV ... Manchester’s First Wesleyan Chapel ... 2023-03
Part V ... John Rylands ... 2023-03
Part VI ... Fort Brothers & Co., Daniel Burton, Absalom Watkin ... 2023-03
Church Street Annals Part I ... The Origin of  the Street Name ... 2023-04
Part II ... The Scramble Club  
... 2023-04
Part 1II ... The Story of a Manchester Foundation 
... 2023-04
Part IV ... Notable names - Page 55-60  ... 2023-05
Part V ... Phillips family - p. 60-66 ... 2023-05
Part VI ... St Paul's Church; the Sunday School Movement ; Revs. Piccope and Lamb... 
Cannon Street  :
Part I ... the Cockpit; Cannon Street Chapel; 
... 2023-06
Part II ... the Early Days of the Warehouse System; Social Live in 1780;  ... 2023-06
Part III ... Dr. John Byrom ... 2023-06
Part IV ... Wheeler's 'Manchester Chronicle' ... 2023-06
Part V ... The First Sir Robert Peel ... 2023-06
Part VI to VIII ... pps 102 -  117 ... 2023-07

* A Ginnel to Life : Childhood in a Lancashire Mill Town 1924 - 1939
by Frank Pogson written 1980
Serialised from 2022-08 ongoing each month final chapter ... 2023-03

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics

Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Transcripts 2022 :

Manchester Streets and Manchester Men, Series 3, by Thomas Swindells pub. 1907
(1) Preface ... 2022-12
   Part I The Market Place. ... 2022-12
   Prt II The Cross, Pillory, And Stocks ... 2022-12
   Part III The Conduit. ... 2022-12
   Part IV Manchester’s First Exchange. ... 2022-12
   Part V Manchester’s Second Exchange ... 2022-12

* A Ginnel to Life : Childhood in a Lancashire Mill Town 1924 - 1939 
by Frank Pogson written 1980
Serialised from 2022-08 ongoing each month

'Old Manor Houses ' Written & Illustrated by Cecil Alden, pu b. 1923
Moreton Old Hall  with the illustrations... 2022-06

* 'Women's War Work' published by the War Office 1916
Preface & précis of Contents (photographs from it in the Gallery) ... 2022-06

* Manchester Guardian, 16th March 1822
(1) Manchester  Outrage : Redford v. Birley & Others :
The list of the 'Special Jury' struck
... 2022-03
(2) Manchester Guardian, 13th April 1822
Outrage at Manchester -  opening speeches ... 2022-03 
(3) Manchester Guardian, 14th April 1822
Lancaster Assizes - Lancaster : The Manchester Meeting ... 2022-4

* Autobiography Of A Manchester Cotton Manufacturer : Or Thirty Years' Experience Of Manchester ', pub. 1887.
Serialised from 2021-10, on-going each month.
(1) Chapter VII : Foreign Customers - Visit to a Country Mill ... 2022-01 
Chapter VIII : Manchester in the Time of the Crimean War ... 2022-01 
(2) Chapter IX : Continuance of the Russian War - Life in a Suburb ... 2022-02 
(3) Chapter X : The Art Treasures Exhibitions - Charles Halle Opera ... 2022-03
(4) Chapter XI : A Crisis inTrade -  Art Purchases ... 2022-04
(5) Chapter XII : Partnership With A Manufacturer - An Ancoats Mill ... 2022-05
(6) Chapter XIII : Friends ... 2022-06
(7) Chapter XIV : Good Trade in Domestics - some Lady Friends ... 2022-07
(8) Chapter XV : American Civil War & the Cotton Famine ... 2022-08
(9) Chapter XVI : Old and New Acquaintances - Distress in Ancoats ... 2022-09
(10) Chapter XVII : Fluctuations In Cotton - Picture Collecting And Sales ... 2022-10
(11) Chapter XVIII : Church Work In Ancoats - Removal To Cheshire ... 2022-10
(12) Chapter XIX : Disastrous Trade - Closing & Sale of Mill  ... 2022-11
(13) Final Chapter XX : Departure for Australia  ... 2022-11

* The Book of English Trades Illustrated' pub 1827 
(1) 'The Currier'  & 'The Wool Comber' ... 2022-01 
(2) 'The Iron Founder' & 'Foundry' ... 2022-02 
(3) 'The Gold Beater' ... 2022-03
(4) 'The Machinist' ... 2022-04
(5) 'The Hatter' ... 2022-05

The Manchester Guardian Feb 25th, 1852 ... e-Postbag, 2022-01
The Manchester Guardian Feb 28th, 1852 ... e-Postbag, 2022-02

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics
Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE 

Transcripts 2021 :
* Rowbottom's Diary
 Samuel Andrew's transcript of the 'Royton Races' from Samuel Bamford's chapter in his book, 'Early Days':... 2021-01

* Register of Oldham News & Reports by Edwin Buterworth'
The 1832 General Election in Oldham, following the Great Reform Act of that year 12th December 1832 - 30th October 1833 ... 2021-01

Black Elk Speaks -Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux' ... transcription in response to the article titled, 'Did Your Great-grandma Have a Sioux Boyfriend?" in 'The Manchester Genealogist'. In essence, the Journal article was about the time that Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show came to Manchester, in the 1880s, and Black Elk was left behind when the company left ... 2021-01

* Worrall's 1871 Directory of Oldham
another glimpse of a long-gone way of life ...2021-02

* Oldham Chronicle 1868,
The Late Joseph Howarth, The Oldham Bell-Man: Unveiling Of The Statue In The Park ... 2021-03

* 'Glimpses into the Abyss': Five Days And Five Nights As A Tramp Among Tramps' by Mary Higgs pub.1906
Serialised from 2021-03 to 2021-07

* Local Notes and Gleanings' by Giles Shaw, Vol.1, 1886 - 1887
The Glass Window Tax ... 2021-05

*Saddleworth Historical Society Bulletin : Number 1, Vol. 15, (1985)
Buckleys of Grotton Hall ... 2021-05

* A Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain' Vol. 2, written by John Bernard Burke, published in 1853
Grotton Hall ... 2021-05

* A Genealogical Memorial of the Family of Buckley of Derby and Saddleworth' by Henry Fishwick, published in 1900
T'he Buckley Family of Derby & Saddleworth' ... 2021-06

* 'Lancashire Legends' by Harland & Wilkinson, pub 1873, Manchester
The Famous History Of The Lancashire Witches ... 2021-07

* Extract from Crompton Tradesmen's Association Almanac and Street Directory of Crompton 1936' ... 2021-07

* Manchester Streets and Manchester Men, by Thomas Swindells pub. 1908
Shudehill. P. 115 Bradshaw Hall & Shude Hill Fight ... 2021-08

* Truth in a Mask: or Shude-hill fight; Being A Short Manchesterian Chronicle of the Present  by Tim Bobbin ... 2021-08

* Old Manchester - A Series of Views ... Drawn by Ralston, James, and Others Introduction by James Croston, Pub 1875, pages 1 - 5 of Introduction ... 2021-09

* Autobiography Of A Manchester Cotton Manufacturer : Or Thirty Years' Experience Of Manchester ', pub. 1887.
Serialised from 2021-10, on-going each month

* The Book of English Trades Illustrated' pub 1827
(1) 'The Bleacher' & 'The Brickmaker' ... 2021-10
(2) 'The Wire Drawer' and 'The Cork cutter' ... 2021-11
(3) 'The Bookbinder' and 'The Bookseller' ... 2021-12

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics

Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Transcriptions 2020 :
* The Jubilee History of the Oldham Industrial Co-operative Society Limited 1850 - 1900 by J.C. Taylor, Manchester 1900
Preface, Oldham Fifty Years Ago, and Chapter ll How the society Started ... 2020-02

* Oldham Chronicle, 
(1) 19th July 1879, An Oldham Worthy : John Wrigley, sometimes called “The Churn Milk Sergeant” ... 2020-03
(2) December 2, 1876 : Bad Roads in Oldham ... 2020-08
(3) Monday, February 11, 1901 Troublesome Elephants at Mumps  Station ... 2020-09

* History, Directory, and Gazetteer of the County Palatine of Lancaster; Vol 2 , Edward Baines, 1825
'Oldham' (including the townships) ... 2020-03

* The Every-Day Book and Table Book' by William Hone, pub. 1826
(1) April 23rd St. George the Martyr, Patron of England ... 2020-04
(2) May St Dunstan & The Devil ... 2020-05
(3) June Buy a Broom? ... 2020-06

* Goblin Tales of Lancashire' by James Bowker, Published 1878
'The King Of The Fairies' ... 2020-04

* 'The Holidays: Christmas, Easter & Whitsuntide' Nathan B.Warren pub 1868 (New York)
Easter ... 2020-04

* Newspaper : 'ARABIC' Victim Identified At Baltimore ... 2020-04

* 'Lives and Legends of the English Bishops and Kings, Mediaeval Monks, and or the Later Saints' by Mrs. Arthur Bell, pub. 1904,
May 19th is, traditonally, St. Dunstan's Day, pages 155-161 ... 2020-05

* Lancashire Sketches by Edwin Waugh pub 1869
The Knocker - Up' ... 2020-07

* Rowbottom's Diary
Extracts concerning Thomas Henshaw 1807 - 1829 ... 2020-07

* The Annals of Manchester : A Chronological Record from the Earliest Times to the End of 1885', ed. . William E.A. Axon, pub. 1886
Introduction 2020-08

* 'Legends of Longdendale by Thomas Middleton, Pub. 1906
Robin Hood's Visit to Longdendale... 2020-08

* Local Notes and Gleanings' by Giles Shaw, Vol.1, 1886 - 1887
(1) Oldham Newspapers P.194 - 195  ... 2020-09
(2) Notes: Some Account of Royton Chapel and its Notabilia p.179 to 185  ... both  2020-09

* 'The History of Ashton-under-Lyne and the Surrounding District', by William Glover, pub. 1884
The Court Leet pps. 344 - 351 ... 2020-10

* History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain' by Edward Baines, Jun., Pub. in 1835.
from the Preface : pages 6, 7 & 8 ... 2020-11

* Lancashire Illustrated', pub. 1831
(1) Entrance To The Tunnel Of The Liverpool And Manchester Railway, Edge Hill.
(2) Market-Street - Cunliffes, Brooks, And Co's Bank, Manchester ...  both 2020-11

* The Manchester Courier, 2nd January, 1853
The Amenities of Factory Life ...2020-11

* Short Stories of Failsworth Folk', by Sim Schofield, Pub.1905
A Christmas Story : Love And Independence In Poverty ... 2020-12

* Oldham Town Centre - through the 'Brierly Map' By Gary Millward
Serialised in 5 parts 2020-12 to 2021-04

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics

Transcripts - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Transcriptions 2019 :

* 'Old English Customs : Extant at the Present Time' by P.H. Ditchfield, pub. 1896
(1) "The eve of May Day at Oldham is known as Mischief Night" ... 2019-05
(2) Wakes p.130-131 ... 2019-07

* A Picture of the Manners, Customs, Sports, and Pastimes, of the Inhabitants of England, from the Arrival of the Saxons Down to the Eighteenth Century, Selected from the Ancient Chronicles And rendered into Modern Phraseology.'
by Jehoshaphat Aspin, Pub. 1825
'The first of May was consecrated, and kept in honour of the goddess Flora' ... 2019-05

* 'The Holidays: Christmas, Easter & Whitsuntide' Nathan B.Warren pub 1868 (New York)
(1) Whitsuntide ... 2019-06
(2) Wakes 2019-07

*'Oldham Stories' by Mary Dickinson
Whit Friday ... 2019-06

* 'Lancashire Folk Lore' by Harland & Wilkinson, pub 1867
(1) Whitsuntide ... 2019-06
(2) Boggarts, Ghosts, And Haunted Places. pps 49 to 62 ... 2019-09

* The Every-Day Book and Table Book' by William Hone, pub. 1826
(1) July 15th, St. Swithin's Day ... 2019-07
(2) October 5th Sale Of Hyde-Park-Corner Toll-Gate ... 2019-10

* Oldham Chronicle :
(1) November 29th, 1884 A Night With Peterloo Veterans ... 2019-08
(2) Saturday April 25th,1925 in 'Times That Are Gone By', History of Oldham Under the Chuchwardens' by Hartley Bateson. ... 2019-12

* 'Historical Sketches of Oldham' by Edwin Butterworth (Pub. 1856)
Account of Peterloo pages 167 - 174 ...2019-08

* 'Lancashire Legends' by Harland & Wilkinson, pub 1873, Manchester.
Clegg Hall pps 10 - 12 ... 2019-10

* Guy Fawkes : Chap book No. 12
Guy Fawkes, Or The Gunpowder Plot ... 2019-11

archived 'Owls' newsletters
Find them HERE  and click on the required newsletter. 

Articles        Transcriptions        Gallery

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Resource in italics ... titles in bold italics
Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
In the Newsletter Gallery unless stated differently
Images 2024 :
'Short Stories about Failsworth Folk '
Reprinted, with additions, from the 'Oldham Chronicle' & 'Manchester City News'
by Sim Schofield pub. 1905
* Firs Hall, ‘Pinch-Beggar’s Hall’, Failsworth ... 2024-01

Postcards & Images from the internet
* Montage Poet’s Corner, Long Millgate, Manchester ... 2024-01
* Images of Oliver Cromwell's Statue in Manchester ... 2024-02
* Failsworth Nursing Division ... 2024-06
* Union Street, Oldham ... 2024-06

Manchester Streets & Manchester Men Vol. 1 (1st series) published in1906
* A Bit of Old Deansgate, p. 7 ... 2024-01
* The Collegiate Church, Manchester (as it appeared in 1830) p.38 ... 2024-03
* The Reverend Joshua Brookes p.45 ... 2024-03
* The 'Three Tuns' Beerhouse (formerly standing in the Apple Market) p.53 ... 2024-03
* The Hanging Bridge p.64 ... 2024-04
* St Ann's Square in 1745 ... 2024-04 & 2024-05

The Great Civil War in Lancashire (1642—1651)’ by Ernest Broxap, M.A. pub. in 1910
* Plan of Manchester and Salford about 1650 ... 2024-06
* Lancashire to Illustrate the Civil War, in 1642 ... 2024-06

* The Manchester Rebels of the Fatal '45
by William Harrison Ainsworth (published 1900)
* At the Prince's Levee (Frontispiece, 1900 ed) ... 2024-04
* The Rescue of Sir Richard Rawcliffe (p. 224, 1900 ed) ... 2024-04
* Faithful unto Death. (p. 246, 1880 ed) ... 2024-04
* Captain Legh Brought Before the Duke of Cumberland (p. 336, 1900 ed) ... 2024-04

* Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles Round Manchester.
by J. Aikin, M.D., pub. 1795
* View of Jailer's Chapel ... 2024-05
* The Dungeons... 2024-05
* View of Old Hall (Ashton-under-Lyne) ... 2024-05
* View of Ashton-under-Lyne ... 2024-05
* View of Staley Bridge ... 2024-05
* View of Staley Hall ... 2024-05
* View of Scout Mill ... 2024-05
* View of Fairfield ... 2024-05

Old Manchester. A Series of Views of the More Ancient Buildings in Manchester and its Vicinity, as they appeared fifty years ago.
Drawn By James Ralston, and Others With an Introduction by James Croston, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.Sc. published 1875.
* Ancoats Hall
plate 31  ...2024-02
* Smithy Door plate 15 ... 2024-02
* Old Salford Bridge plate 14 ... 2024-02

Resource in italics ... titles in bold italics

Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
In the Newsletter Gallery unless stated differently
Images 2023 :
* Christmas Drawings for the Human Race by Thomas Nast pub. 1890 (with introductory text)
Merry Christmas …2023-12
“Who said anything about Christmas Dinner!” …2023-12
Santa Claus Mail …2023-12
The Coming of Santa Claus …2023-12

* Old Manchester Drawn by Ralson, James & Others,
with an introduction by James Croston, pub. 1875
Market Street – bottom of Brown Street ...2023-12

Costumes of Yorkshire pub 1814, Images and descriptive text :
Plate XXXII. Alum Works
(with descriptive text)...2023-11
Plate XXXVIII. Wensley Dale Knitters (with descriptive text)...2023-11

* History of Everyday Things in England Vol 2 (1500 – 1799) by Marjorie and Charles Henry Bourne Quennell
17th Century Coach + text ... 2023-10
Costume XVIth century ... 2023-10
Costume XVIIth century ... 2023-10
Costume XVIIIth century ... 2023-10
A Timber-Framed House + text ... 2023-10

* The Book of English Trades'
The Confectioner + text...
2023-10 (Mixed Bag)
The Apothecary + text .. 2023-11  (Mixed Bag)

Account of the Town and Parochial Chapelry of Oldham, in the County of Lancaster' by James Butterworth in 1817
Map of Oldham & Wider District in 1817... 2023-09

* 'A Tale of Two Cities - Manchester Revisited'
by Julie Schwethelm, 2023
Anita Street, Ancoats ... 2023-08
Ashton Canal, New Islington, Ancoats ... 2023-08
Clayton Hall ... 2023-08
Droylsden Marina, looking towards Manchester Road ... 2023-08
Castlefield Viaduct ... 2023-08

* from : A Description of the Country from 30 to 40 miles Round Manchester' by J. Aikin. pub. 1795
Royton Hall and narrative transcription ... 2023-07
Chadderton Hall and narrative transcription  ... 2023-07

* MLFHS FH Fair, March 2023  ... 2023-05

* From : 'The Poly Olbion : a Chorographicall Description of Great Britain'
by Michael Drayton, pub. 1622
Lancashire  ... 2023-05

* 'Short Stories about Failsworth Folk' by Sim Schofield pub. 1905
p. 2 ... A Failsworth Loomhouse ... 2023-04
p. 4 ... A Failsworth Bobbin Winder  ... 2023-04
p. 14 ... Wolfenden, The Mathematician  ...
p. 16 ... The Present Failsworth Pole, 1905  ... 2023-05
p. 35 ... Ben Brierley ... 2023-06
p. 36 ... Oldham Artist, Charles Potter, with author  ... 2023-06
p. 37 ... Red Bill's, Daisy Nook  ... 2023-06
p. 44 ... Edwin Waugh ... 2023-06
p. 46 ... Samuel Laycock  ... 2023-06
p. 64 ... Peterloo Veterans  ... 2023-07
p. 62 ... Old John Moores ... 2023-07
p. 73 ... Thomas Parkinson ... 2023-08
p. 78 ... The Crown & Cushion ... 2023-09
p. 88 ... The Late Mr. John Hall ... 2023-09
p. 92 ... The 'Old School' ... 2023-09
p. 112 ... Th’ owd Pack Horse Inn ... 2023-10
p.141 … A Failsworth Nook … Old Mill Houses ... 2023-12

* Leaflet about New Failworth Pole (1924) :
The Present Failsworth Pole, 1905  ... 2023-05
Appeal for contributions  ... 2023-05
The New Pole Arrives  ... 2023-05
New Pole Carnival  ... 2023-05

* 'London Labour and the London Poor' Vol.1, by Henry Mayhew published in 1865
The Kitchen,” Fox-Court, Gray’s-Inn-Lane 
... 2023-04

*'London Labour and the London Poor' Vol.3, by Henry Mayhew published in 1865
Dinner In a Cheap Lodging House
 ... 2023-04

* Photo - Santa outside Manchester Central Library December 2022 ... 2023-01

* Manchester Streets & Manchester Men (1st series) by T. Swindells, pub. 1906
(1)  Peter Street in 1830  ... 

* Manchester Streets & Manchester Men (3rd series) by T. Swindells, pub. 1907 
(1) 'Bull's Head Yard' ... 2023-01
(2) 'The Market Place, forty years ago' ... 2023-02
(3) 'The Market Place of today... 2023-02
(4) 'Cannon Street Chapel'  ... 2023-06
(5) 'Dr. Byrom's House, Hunter's Lane  ... 2023-06 
(6) 'Cheeryble House, Cannon Street   ... 2023-07 

* Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1908
(1) Manchester Market Cross ... 2023-01

* 'Bygone Lancashire - Old Lancashire Punishments,' Ed. by Ernest Axon. Pub. 1892
(1) In the Parish Stocks ... 2023-01
(2) Manchester Pillory ... 2023-01

* Photos by Alex Balmforth:
(1) Stone Tenter Posts In Saddleworth ... 2023-01

* Postcards :
(1) 'The Flit' (moving to a new home) ... 2023-03
(2) Waterloo School, Hardy Street, Oldham ... 2023-03

* The Works Of John Trafford Clegg ["Th' Owd Weighver."] pub. 1895
(1) Bronze Statue of John Bright in Town Hall Square, Rochdale ... 2023-03

Resource in italics ... titles in bold italics

Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
In the Newsletter Gallery unless stated differently
Images 2022 :

Manchester Streets & Manchester Men (3rd series) by T. Swindells, pub. 1907
(1) The Market Place in 1810, showing the Cross and Pillory. ... 2022-12
(2) The First Exchange : Built 1729, taken down 1792 ... 2022-12
(3) The Market Place in 1808 showing Nathan Crompton's Folly ... 2022-12
(4) The Second Exchange ... 2022-12
(5) Title Page & Portrait Of The Author ... 2022-12

* Manchester Streets & Manchester Men (2nd series) by T. Swindells, pub. 1907
(1) The Ancient Name of Portland Street - a Pleasant Country Lane & Garratt Hall  2 pictures + text ... 2022-11

* A History of Everyday Things in England (1066 - 1499)
written and illustrated by Marjorie and Charles Henry Bourne Quennell pub. 1918
(1) A Puppet Show + text ... 2022-11

The Great Civil War in Lancashire (1642 - 1651) by Ernest Broxap, pub. 1910
(1) A Plan of Manchester & Salford, about 1650  ... 2022-11

* Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical & Mediæval Times by J. Henry Middleton, pub 1892
(1) from Grimani Breviary - 'April', from the Kalendar, 1496 ... 2022-10
(2) Illuminated border drawn by Albrecht Dürer, 1515 ... 2022-10
(3) Saint George slaying the dragon, in a Missal between 1330 and 1340 ... 2022-10

* Cassell's Illustrated History of England
Cotton Mills, Miles Platting, Manchester
 ... 2022-09

* Short Stories about Failsworth folk 
by Sim Schofield pub. 1905
(1) 'Th'owd Packhorse Inn... 2022-09
(2) 'The Royal Oak' ... 2022-09
(3) 'Wagstaff Fowt' ... 2022-09

* Memorials of Manchester Streets
by Richard Wright Procter, pub. 1874 
(1) The South West Prospect of Manchester in the County Palatine of Lancaster ... 2022-08
(2) Chetham Library and River Irk 1797 ... 2022-08
(3) House of Correction, Hunt's Bank, about 1776 ... 2022-08
(4) College Old Gate and Grammar School ... 2022-08
(5) The Key (Quay) ... 2022-08

* The Illustrated London News :July to December 1878
(1) New Peal of Bells for St. Paul's Cathedral : The Tenor Bell ... 2022-07
(2) Winter Gardens & Aquarium at Blackpool ... 2022-07
(3) Paris Exhibition : the English Houses in the Avenue of Nations ... 2022-07
(4) The Training-Brigs Race at the Plymouth Regatta ... 2022-07

* Local Notes & Gleanings- Oldham and Neighbourhood in Bygone Times' : 
(1) Churches in the Oldham Rural Deanery: Hey Chapel or Church ... 2022-05
(2) Opening of the Middleton Free Library, March 9, 1889  ... 2022-05

* Postcard - Owen's College, Manchester ... 2022-05
* Postcard - Ye Olde Rover's Return Inn, Manchester ... 2022-05

* Manchester & Lancashire Family & Local History Event
Oldham & District Branch photos :
Manchester Central Library 26th March, 2022 ... 2022-04

Costumes of Yorkshire pub 1814, Images and descriptive text :
* The Collier
... 2022-03
* East Riding or Wolds Waggon 
... 2022-03
* The Fool Plough 
... 2022-03
* The Horse Dealer 
... 2022-03

from 'Women's War Work' a Booklet Issued by the War Office in September 1916
* Harvesting ... 2022-02
* Barrowing coke at gas works ... 2022-02
* Cleaning a locomotive ... 2022-02
* Brewery workers ... rolling barrels ... 2022-02
* Women roadsweepers ... 2022-02
(1) Shipyard ... working on a propeller ... 2022-06
(2) Gauging shells  ... 2022-06
(3) Window cleaners  ... 2022-06
(4) Steam Roller driver ... 2022-06
(5) Splitting leather ... 2022-06
(6) Women roadsweepers ... 2022-06

from 'The Christmas Book', pub. 1887
with short extracts from the accompanying text.
The Norfolk Coach Delivering Turkeys for Market ... 2022-01
The Feast in the Baronial Hall ... 2022-01
Church Service on Christmas Morning ... 2022-01
Spooky Story Telling for the Children! ... 2022-01
Sitting down to Christmas Dinner ... 2022-01
Boxing Day ... 2022-01
The Mummers Entertain ... 2022-01
Pantomime ... 2022-01
New Year's Eve  ... 2022-01

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics

Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
In the Newsletter Gallery unless stated differently

Images 2021 :
* The Norden, Chadderton... 2021-01
* Town Hall & War memorial ... 2021-02
*The Duck Lake ... 2021-02
* 'Big Lamp' , Shaw ... 2021-03
* Cutler Hill, Failsworth ... 2021-03
* Daisy Nook ... 2021-03
* Tommyfield Market, Oldham' (enclosed in a letter from Russia) ... 2021-04
* Daisy Nook 2 - postcard in article 2021-06
* Oldham Street, Manchester  (in 1921 centenary article) ... 2021-09
Oldham Wakes 1905  ... 2021-12

British Library
* Plough drawn by four yoked oxen
* Roasting meats on a spit
* Windmill with miller
* Harrowing
* 2 decorative images of text without titles

Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain' Vol. 2, John Bernard Burke pub.1853
* Grotton Hall (in 'Mixed Bag' article)

Tim Bobbin (John Collier)
* Frontispiece from 1773 Edition of Human Passions deliniated
* Frontispiece from 1810 edition
* Old Age with mutual content 1773 & 1810

The Rothschild Archive, London
* Prospectus (front cover) and Map for Proposed Manchester Ship Canal

Costumes of Yorkshire
* 'Stone Breakers on the Road ' & 'The Teasel Field' (with transcripts)... 2021-10
The Peat Cart (with transcript) ... 2021-12

The History of Ashton-under-Lyne and the Surrounding District', William Glover, pub. 1884.
* Denton Hall
* The Old Workhouse

John Trafford Clegg, The Works of (Th' Owd Weighver) pub 1895
* 'Rochdale from St. Chad's Church Yard'
* Rochdale Town Hall Square'

Account of Several Workhouses , pub. 1732
* Ashton under Lyne Workhouse (text description)
* Front cover of 'Account of Several Workhouses

Illustrated London News, Nov. 12th 1881
* A Hiring or Statute Fair (with transcript) ... 2021-12

Lancashire Special Constabulary - Failsworth Section June 1942 (with names) epostbag ... 2021-12

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics
In the gallery unless stated differently

Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Images 2020 :

GOODYEAR family collection :
* Failsworth Wesleyan Church : Whitsuntide Walks on Oldham Road, (circa 1925)
* Whitsuntide new clothes (circa 1888)

Failsworth Wesleyan Amateur Dramatics:
* The Dogs of Devon
* The Emerald Isle
* The Magic Cup
* Erminie

* 'Failsworth View'
* Flossie with doll
2020-07 (in article)

* Inside the Town Hall, Manchester, before being closed for renovation
* Manchester Skyline, from the 14th floor in Salford

The Jackson Brothers : a family of photographers' by John W Taylor
* Chadderton Hall
* Foxdenton Hall

J.C. Taylor Pub. 1900
The JUBILEE HISTORY of the Oldham Industrial Co-operative Society Limited 1850 - 1900
* The Jubilee Committee
* New Millinery And Mantle Department, King Street

British Museum:
The Antiquary's Books : Parish Life in Mediaeval England' by Abbott Gasquet, D.D., Published 1906
* Sacrament of Confirmation
* Youths Receiving Holy Communion
* Archideaconal Visitation
* Sacrament of Matrimony

Sim Schofield: Short Stories about Failsworth Folk'
* Sim with the artist, Charles Potter

The Everyday Table Book, Hone, 1826
* St George & The Dragon (in article)

'The Mystery of Easter Island : The Story of an Expedition', Mrs. Scoresby Routledge,  pub. 1920
* Standing Statues
* A Statue on its back.

'Old Manchester' Intro.Croston; drawings by Ralston, circa 1820... pub. 1875
* Market Street (no.7)
* Market Street (no. 43)
* Old Blackfriars Bridge (No. 38)

* King Street' (in article)

* Eagle and Child coffeehouse, across an open court in which stood a pump. (no. 37)
Market-place (no. 32)
* Crossstreet, looking towards St. Mary's-gate. (no. 3)
(all in article) 2020-09 

Ben Clayton's Photo Album
* 'Westinghouse 1903'
* Large Wheel at 'Westinghouse 1903

Giles Shaw Local Notes and Gleanings' Pub. 1887
* Unveiling the Statue of John Platt 1878

* 1932-1933 Hockey Team, Hulme Grammar School
*1932-1933 Girls' Cricket Team, Hulme Grammar School
both 2020-09

'Lancashire' Leo Grindon, pub. 1892 
* The Dinner Hour' 2020-09
* On the Canal 2020-10

The History of Ashton-under-Lyne, William Glover, pub. 1884.
* Ashton old Cross (in article 2020-10)
* Albion Schools
* Old Stocks

Lancashire Illustrated', pub. 1831
* Market-Street - Cunliffes, Brooks, And Co's Bank, Manchester  (in article)
* Entrance To The Tunnel Of The Liverpool And Manchester Railway, Edge Hill'.

Salford, The Islington Mill 1824,

Colin Ratcliffe Family
* Chadderton Fold (postcard)
* Ratcliffe family
* Chadderton Fold - Looking towards St. Matthew's Church, (postcard)
* 'Bishop Lake's House' Chadderton Fold. (postcard)

Resource in italics ... transcript in bold italics
In the gallery unless stated differently

Images - click on the required newsletter HERE 
Images 2019 :
GOODYEAR family collection :
Edwardian Failsworth :
* Whit Walks on Wickentree Lane;
* Whit Walks in Failsworth

* Clayton War Memorial - after the unveiling

* Peterloo Tapestry in Manchester Cathedral (in article)

* Interior of St Thomas's, Friarmere (Heights Chapel), Delph
* Elizabeth Jane Rydings ... one of the earliest women cyclists in Failsworth

Denise North
* Oldham Memorial Window - in Ypres

Joan Secker-Wlodarczyk
* Peterloo Memorial
* Peterloo Memorial 2

'Traditions of Lancashire', John Roby pub.1872
* Clegg Hall ... in article

Ben Clayton's Photo Album
* Thorp Farm, Royton in 1899 ...

"History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain..." Edward Baines Jnr. Pub. 1835
* Cotton Factories, Union Street, Manchester
* The Exchange, Manchester
* Power Looms
* Mule Spinning

* Guido Fawkes and his Associates in transcripton of Chap book

archived 'Owls' newsletters
Find them HERE  and click on the required newsletter. 

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