Looking forward to our next Anglo Scots meeting
Our Annual Meeting of the Anglo Scots Branch
At the Manchester Central Library, third floor. Our Helpdesk will be open on the suite of computers, on the third floor next to the glass lifts, between 10.30am and 1.00pm on Saturday, followed by a break for lunch when you can visit the ground floor cafe or take a stroll around St Peter's Square in the sunshine (hopefully), and return to the Chief Librarian's Office (third floor, turn left on leaving the lifts) for our Annual Meeting followed by a varied agenda of short talks on Scottish Resources at the Library, an exchange of 'brickwall' breakthroughs, and maybe ab heirloom or two, as well.
Saturday, 4th March 2023, Anglo Scots: Events - Meetings - Meetings for details.
Short articles, long articles, new research, family stories. Help us to build up a collection of articles of all kinds, with or without images, to add interest and colour to our section of the Journal. More details are available on Anglo Scots: About - Manchester Genealogist .
What a Year!
The world of meetings has changed, undoubtedly. Our members who live further away have enjoyed Zoom meetings, our more local members have enjoyed meeting in the library and speakers now have choices, too.... Follow our branch pages as we plan for 2023.
e-Scotia Newsletter
Read our latest newsletter online now at Anglo Scots: Newsletter Sign Up. Any society member or visitor can sign up to receive our informative and illustrated newsletter. The newsletter is free to all members of the Society and to non-members.