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Our Anglo Scots Branch Meetings

Invited Speakers and Social Meetings
Generated with AI ∙ 22 January 2024 at 11:02 am
6 July 2024 in-person, Manchester

The Secrets of the Anglo-Scottish website - what might you find?

Join us for a relaxed event at the library, where we can look at the Anglo-Scottish section of the society's website and discover articles, documents and database records that you might never have noticed. This talk will appeal to all members of the society who would like to know more about navigating our website and online records. 

Date: 6 July 2024
Day: Saturday, 2.00pm (UK time)
Venue: Manchester Central Library.
Speaker: Social Event with Hilary Hartigan
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge
Cost: non-members - £5
Image: hh

3 August 2024 no meeting

There is no Anglo-Scottish Meeting in August

No meeting.

The annual summer holidays have arrived! Whether you are doing a tour of North Wales (as were our intrepid travellers in the image above) or sitting in a shady spot in the garden doing some research, have a great month!

Date: August 2024
Venue: no meeting

Image: hh

7 September 2024 in person Manchester

Scotland Beneath the Surface by Bruce Keith

Bruce Keith, a popular speaker who has already entertained and educated us with great enthusiasm and humour about Scottish Bridges and Scottish Milestones, is returning to tell us about what goes on "Beneath the Surface" of his beloved Scotland:

'To be published in October, the book seeks to celebrate Scotland's rich underground heritage - both natural and the product of man's endeavours- and to look at the wealth of resources and infrastructure which lie beneath our feet and form an intrinsic part of the nation's history and geography. My illustrated talk highlights the diversity of 'life' beneath the surface of our land and water - from tunnels to caves to mines to pipes - generating hydro-electricity, providing an integral channel in our transport networks, rocks bearing oilshale, coal, oil and gas, and  the granite, sandstones, slate and sands and gravels to construct the nation's built heritage, pipes to deliver us our water supplies and sewers to take away our wastes. And that legacy has an important role to play in Scotland's future, as we face the challenges of meeting the needs of modern society in a changing climate'.

This meeting will be held in-person at Manchester Central Library.

Date: 7 September 2024
Day: Saturday, 2.00pm (UK time)
Venue: Manchester Central Library
Speaker: Bruce Keith
Booking: Will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge
Cost: non-members - £5
Image: hh

5 October 2024 online

No Details at Present

Details to follow. 

This meeting will be held online via Zoom.

Date: 5 October 2024
Day: Saturday, 2.00pm (UK time)
Venue: to be decided
Speaker: Details to follow
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge
Cost: non-members - £5
Image: stock

2 November 2024 in person

The Scottish Colourists by Julia Harwood

Details to follow. 

This meeting will be held in-person at Manchester Central Library.

Date: 2 November 2024
Day: Saturday, 2.00pm (UK time)
Venue: Manchester Central Library
Speaker: Julia Marwood
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge
Cost: non-members - £5
Image: hh

7 december 2024 CLO

Our Seasonal Social at the Library

Details to follow. 

This meeting will be held in-person at Manchester Central Library.

Date: 7 December 2024
Day: Saturday, 2.00pm (UK time)
Venue: Manchester Central Library (3rd floor)
Speaker: Social event
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge
Cost: non-members - members only
Image: hh

Eventbrite Tickets for Anglo Scots

Anglo Scottish FHS Branch Meeting

2.00pm 6 Jul 2024 - Manchester Central LIbrary

A closer look at our website.


Discover more about our branch

AngloScots Events Section

Highlighting our next meeting and a selection of featured articles

Upcoming Meetings

More detailed information about our planned meetings

Our Venues and Maps

Meeting rooms, maps, hours, accessibility and travel links

Our Anglo Scots Helpdesk

MLFHS helpdesk and occasional AS helpdesk events

Scottish Marriage Index

Look for missing Scots ancestors in our unique database

Volunteers Always Needed

We thrive because of our incredible volunteers - can you join us?

About Anglo Scottish FHS

What we do, our aims,  and how we report back to our members

Our Research Pages

Our body of research completed and research in progress

Our Meeting Place

The modern Manchester Central Library is our venue for our in-person monthly meetings. The library is situated in the cultural heart of the city and is served by the St Peters Square Metrolink interchange.

Our Meeting Rooms

Anglo Scots meetings at the library are normally held in the Performance Space on the ground floor and are accessible to all. The rooms are large, spacious and airy, disabled facilities are nearby and the library café is on the same floor.

Our Meetings Online

Global events led to us arranging meetings online via Zoom and we met members who lived beyond travelling distance to Manchester. We now offer a mix of in-person and online meetings to benefit all our members.


Please note that our usual meeting date is now the 1st Saturday of each month, not the 3rd Saturday as previously, and this applies to both in-person and online events.

Free to Members

Our meetings are normally free to members with a small charge of £3 to non-members. Outside visits may incur admission charges for members and non-members.


Booking on Eventbrite is essential for meetings with invited speakers and for online meetings. Please follow us here, on Eventbrite and on social media, for booking details.