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Society Meetings in Detail

Quarterly, Explore and Occasional Meetings

York Street, The Story of Cheetham Hill Road, by Martin Gittins

24 July 2024, Manchester Central Library, 10.30am

The story of Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, told by Martin Gittins.

Martin's talk uses three accounts of a walk from Manchester to the Half Way House in Crumpsall and compares and contrasts the appearance of the road at three times in history, roughly 50 years apart, which emphasises the rapid rate of development around that time.

This area is well known to many members of our society, though it has changed considerably in recent years, and it will be interesting to find out more about the development of the area.

Date: 24 July 2024
Day: Wednesday, 10.30am
Venue: Manchester Central Library
Speaker: Martin Gittins
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge 
Cost: non-members - £5

Image: supplied by speaker

Annie Horniman, Theatre Pioneer, by Jean Bailo

24 July 2024, Manchester Central Library, 1.00pm

Join us on Wednesday, 24th July at 1.00pm for this, our second quarterly tallk of the day: Annie Horniman 1860-1937.
Annie Horniman was born in London to a wealthy middle-class family and could so easily have followed the natural career path of so many of her contemporaries; enjoy an easy life, make a good marriage and spend her time helping her husband further his career. Not our Annie! In an age where women were only just beginning to strike out for themselves Annie broke away from convention and a bequest from her grandmother enabled her to follow her dream to become involved in the theatre.

Her friendship with the Irish poet W.B.Yeates led her across the Irish sea to Dublin and the founding of the Abbey Theatre, from Dublin to Manchester but alas not all plain sailing, however Dublin’s loss was Manchester’s gain.

Controversy in the Midland Hotel. the opening of the Gaiety Theatre and all events in between led to Miss Horniman becoming one of the most prominent women in Manchester, but what happened then? How is it that this fascinating and radical woman is largely unknown today.

Come and hear more about the life and times of Miss Annie Elizabeth Fredericka Horniman.

Date: 24 July 2024
Day: Wednesday, 1.00pm
Venue: Manchester Central Library
Speaker: Jean Bailo
Booking: will be on Eventbrite
Cost: members - free of charge 
Cost: non-members - £5

Image: locations hh, portrait supplied by speaker

Non-members pay £5 per meeting. Some meetings, in particular a summer visit to another venue, may incur additional costs, any such additional costs are paid by all attendees.