A Rose by any Other Name

Anita Street/Sanitary Street in 1962 (Manchester Local Image Collection)
Until 1952, the pleasantly-named Anita Street had the much less appealing name of Sanitary Street. Residents were not happy and so complained to the Council. Eventually, the Council was moved to action. The change was reported in the Manchester Evening News on Saturday 1 December 1951:
Anita, shorter and sweeter
Evening News Reporter
PEOPLE living in a small back street in New Cross, Manchester, have for years grumbled that their mail should bear the name of "Sanitary-street." It was no satisfaction that their near neighbours live in Spittall Street. Residents of the two streets con•plained to the Highways Committee that new acquaintances sniffed and laughed when they heard what their address was, and on Wednesday the City Council will be asked to rename the streets. Three letters, " s," "r," and " y " should be deleted from " Sanitary " to make it the more pleasing "Anita-street," it is suggested. It is hoped that Spittall-street will become Sherratt-street.
Given the involvement of a local authority, the change was very quickly implemented. While there seems to be no formal notice in the local newspapers, two notices narrow the date of the cnhange down to the spring of 1952.
Manchester Evening News, Monday 24 March 1952
The Brother and sisters of the late JESSIE MAY EVANS desire express their very sincere thanks to all relatives friends and neighbour.s Mr and Mrs Wetherby, workmates of the NCB and friends at the Dunlop Co for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes and promises of Mass intentions received during their sad bereavement Father Leddy for ministrations. 35 Sanitary-street Ancoats.
Manchester Evening News, Thursday 19 June 1952
Death Notices
CARROLL— On June 17 at her residence Anita-street (late Sanitary-street) MARY ANN aged 80 years fortified the rites of Holy Mother Church (RIP) the beloved wife of the late Michael CARROLL Interment Cemetery Saturday 11.30 Inquiries C Stiles Dea. 4440
In the 1962 photograph above, it is clear that a new street name plate was added above the old one, rather than replacing it entirely. This had disappeared by 1987, by which time Anita street looks a very desirable place to live.
Anita Street 1987 (Manchester Local Image Collection)
This blog article was inspired by a query from Chris Willis, posted on the society's online forum.
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