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1921 Census - Dick, Kerr Ladies (Part 2)

The Dick, Kerr Ladies’ team tour to the USA in 1922: previewing the 1921 census

Since this is a family history society, and Dick, Kerr Ladies were Preston-based, I thought it would be interesting to see what information could be gleaned about the family circumstances of the team members in and around 1921. Just having names, and sometimes only initials, of the members of the team in 1921/22 is often not enough to begin to trace them in terms of family history.  By good fortune, the team's trip to Canada and the USA in the autumn of 1922 provides some invaluable starting points in the form of immigration and emigration records. Some early members of the team are not included in this review, as they had left by the time the team travelled across the Atlantic.  Other well-known players joined the team in later years.


Advertisement for the USA Tour

The first such record is found in Ancestry's UK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960; Liverpool – 1922 – September.  This record shows 13 women and three men in numerical contract ticket numbers from 58269-58278, and 59630-59635.  Also listed are their last address in the United Kingdom, their occupations and ages, and, rather bizarrely, their country of intended future permanent residence, shown as the USA.  There is a pencilled line joining all these entries, with the letters M5A next to it.  Whatever this annotation means, the line has the effect of linking these travellers together.  The ship "Montclare" left Liverpool on 15 September 1922.

A further, and more detailed resource comes with 'U.S. Border Crossings from Canada to U.S. 1895-1960; M1464 – St. Albans, Vermont, 1895-1954 401-450, 446.  List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States.  Passengers sailing from Liverpool on SS "Montclare" on 15 September 1922.'   This record includes name, age, marital status, calling or occupation; nationality (for the team, 'English'); name and address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien comes; final destination (all travelling with the team had this listed as Football tour, England); who paid for the passage ('football tour'); name and complete address of relative or friend being visited in USA (in this case, 'Touring with football club'); length of stay in US (2 months); height; complexion; colour of hair and eyes; country and city or town where born.

Another really helpful resource is incoming and outgoing passenger lists.  Knowing that the team went to Canada in 1922 makes it easy to find them on the White Star Line’s "Adriatic", returning into Liverpool from New York on 22 November 1922.  They shared the journey (but definitely  not the style of accommodation) with ‘Egerton of Tatton, of Tatton Park, Knutsford, Rancher, 48’.

Gail Newsham's website lists the names of all those who played for Dick, Kerr Ladies. Her 'first match players' and 'through the decades' sections give brief details of the women and their footballing prowess, with some follow up information about marriage or subsequent career. To supplement this information, I provide here the information given in the Border Crossing records (which I have called LMAP) and the information given on the incoming passenger list (IPL).  Three men traveled in the party, and they are included here.  Intriguingly, Maurice Lord Egerton traveled out and back on the same ships as the Dick, Kerr Ladies team.  Did he have anything to do with the tour?

The LMAP information in particular facilitates further searching, since age is given in years and months, birthplace is given, and in many cases, the name of a parent or other near relative.  Here I also show results from the 1911 Census and the 1939 Register, where applicable.

Alfred Frankland. (LMAP) 39y 10m, M, Clerk. Mrs Frankland Wife, 11 Taylor St Fleetwood Lancs. 5'9 ½. Fair. Brown. Gray. Born England Frackleton.

(IPL)12 Taylor Street, Shaw Green, Fulwood, Clerk.  41.

(1911) 6 Fazakerly Street, Chorley, Lancashire. 8 rooms.  Alfred Frankland, Head; 28; M; Clothing Shop Manager.  Born Frekleton Lancashire.

Margaret Frankland, wife, 29. Married 5 years.  No children. Born Lostock Hall,  Lancashire.

Thomas Frankland, Father. 68. Widower. Retired Mechanic cotton mill. Born Preston Lancs.

David Brooks,

(LMAP) 39y 3mo, M, Driller, Irish origins. Mrs David Brooks, Wife, 2 Rosehill Gdns, Wellington Quay. Brooklyn Football Club paid; visiting Mr A Zelickman, Foot 23rd Street Brooklyn. 5'9 ½. Fresh. Fair. Blue. Born Ireland Belfast.

 [The book referenced below by Barbara Jacobs can be seen in part on Google books.  It includes anecdotal material about the team's journey on the "Montclare", and shows that the tour was arranged between David Brooks and Abe Zelickman.  The text is not entirely complimentary.]

Herbert Stanley

(LMAP) 20, S, Clerk. Mrs Sarah Ann Stanley Mother, 10 Taylor St, Fulwood, Preston. 5'10". Fresh. Brown. Brown. Born England, Fulwood.

  1. 10 Taylor St, Fulwood Preston. 5 rooms. Herbeert Frederick Stanley, 31, M, Jobbing Gardener. Born Preston. Sarah Ann Stanley, Wife, 30, 4 children born, 4 living. Born Landport, Portsmouth. Herbert Edward Stanley, 9, eldest of four children all born Fulwood. Two ldgers.
  2. 4 Colenso Grove, Stockport. Herbert Stanley, M, 9 February 1902. Forwarding Clerk Petrol. Alice Stanley, [see Alice Woods below] 20 March 1899, Unpaid Domestic Duties. Herbert Stanley, S, 13 Sep 1929. At school.  One record redacted.

On the 1922 tour, Herbert Stanley was the team Trainer.

Daisy Clayton

(LMAP) 35, S, Factory. Mrs Clayton (Mother) Mary, 48 Breeze Lane, Walton, Liverpool. 5'4". Fresh. Brown. Grey. Born England, Liverpool.  

(IPL) 48 Breeze Lane, Walton, Factory Hand, 35

1911: Appears as family servant to the family of Martha Thomson, Widow, at 3 Park Vale Road, Walton on the Hill.

1901: 48 Breeze Lane with her parents Thomas and Mary, and 8 siblings.  Her father, born in Wigan, is a Carter on Farm, as is one of her siblings.  No occupation or 'school' is given for the 6 children aged 13 and under.

[She features in the Welsh/Medway family tree on Ancestry, showing that as Daisy McGowan she died in Rhode Island in 1968]

Elizabeth Ann (Annie)  Crozier,

(LMAP) 26y 11mo, S, Weaver Cloth. Mrs. Crozier (Mother) Eliz. Jane, 94 Broughton St Preston. 5'6. Dark. Brown. Brown. Mark on cheek. Born England Preston.

(IPL) 94 Brougham Street, Preston, Weaver, 27

1911: 94 Brougham Street, Preston. 5 rooms. With her mother Elizabeth Jane, Head, 51, Widower, own means, and 5 siblings  aged 10 – 23, all but the youngest, Weaver. All born Preston.

May Graham, (LMAP) 19y 1mo, S, Bookkeeper. Mrs Mary Graham Mother, 136 Wellington St Preston. 5'1". Dark. Brown. Gray. Born England Preston.

(IPL) 136 Wellington Street, Preston, Bookkeeper, 19

1911:  40 Water Lane Preston.  4 rooms.  With father John Graham, Head, 51, M, Insurance Agent Preston Shelley's. Born Mayo Castleban. Mother Mary, married 25 years, 7 children born, 7 alive. and 6 siblings, aged 20 to 5, a grocer's assistant, dressmaker, apprenticed iron turner, and school.  May, 8 and younger brother Leonard show no occupation.  All born Preston,Lancs.

Jennie Harris: (LMAP) Jane Cross Harris, 25, S, Core Maker. Mrs Harris Mother, 10 Bulk Road Lancaster, 4'10", Fresh, Black, Brown, Born England Lancaster.

(IPL) Jane Harris, 10 Bulk Road, Lancaster, Core Maker, 33

1911: 10 Adelaide Street, Lenardgate, Lancaster.  4 rooms.  With father Fredrick [sic] Harris, Head, M, 49, Cocoanut Mat Maker. Born London Limehouse. Mother Ellen Married 29 years, 10 children born, 6 living, 4 died.  Born Lancaster. Jane Cross Harris, 13, School, is with four siblings, 3 older and one younger, all born Lancaster except Sarah, 21, single, home duties, born Halton, Lancs.

1939: In Lunesdale Rural District, 'Caldbeck', the home of widow Ann Peel and her three apparent children: Jane C Cross, 26 [sic] December 1897, Single, Yarn Checker.

SEP qtr 1985, death record for Jane Cross Harris. 28 [sic] Dec 1897. Lancaster 40 1643.

Florrie Haslam, (LMAP) 21, S, Cloth worker. Mrs Stewart Sister, 99 Kesler St Bolton. 5'5". Fresh. Brown. Blue. Born England Bolton.

(IPL) 335 Bury Road, Bolton, Cutter, 22.

  1. 335 Bury Road, Bolton. 5 rooms. Florrie Haslam, Niece, 13. School. In home of Sarah Haslam, 78, Widow, her two daughters and two nephews surname Macquire; and possible sister to Florrie, Ellen Haslam, Niece, 18, Weaver.
  2. 13 Mechanic Street, Bolton All Saints. With Mother, Mary A., Head, M, 28, and three older siblings aged 8 to 4; Florrie is 5 months old. Also Alice Ann Best, single, 19, warehouse packer, salt. All born Bolton.

See short biography (wrongly citing Alfred 'Franklin') at

Alice Kell. (LMAP) 24, S, Weaver. Mr J A Kell, Father, 239 Albert Edward Tce Preston. 5'5". Pale. Brown. Grey. Born England Preston.

(IPL) 239 Marsh Lane, Preston.  Weaver, 24.

1911: 221 Marsh Lane, Preston. 5 rooms. Father Joseph Austin Kell, Head, 45. Platform Inspector L & NW Railway. Born Lancs Southport.  Mother Clara Kell, 44, married 23 years, 8 children born, 7 living, 1 died.  All 7 in residence, Alice, 8, third youngest.

  1. 139 Marsh Lane, Preston. With Mother Clara; brother Reginald, Railway Clerk and ARP; and husband Albert Cook: Alice Cook, 24 June 1898.

24 June 1898- 2 December 1972.  First captain of Dick, Kerr Ladies. Christened Christ Church, Bow Lane, Preston. Lived on Marsh Lane.  Four brothers, two sisters.  Best friends with Florrie Redford. (Wikipedia

Elizabeth Lee (LMAP) 23y 7mo, S, Cotton Weaver. Mr Lee (Father), 346 St Georges Rd, Preston. 5'3". Fair. Fair. Blue. Born Preston.  

(IPL) 346  St George Road, Preston.  Weaver. 23

  1. 346 St Georges Road, Preston, Lancs. 6 rooms. Father, Thomas Lee, Head, 48, Cotton Spinning Overlooker. Mother, Ellen Lee, 48, married 23 yrs, 13 children born, 10 living 3 died. All 10 children aged 25 to 3 living at home. One is married daughter plus grandson. Three cotton weavers, one creeler and one tenter. Elizabeth is 12, half time cotton weaver tenter, part time school.  All born Preston.
  2. 15 Pump Street, Preston. Elizabeth Lee, S, 7 December 1898, Cotton Weaver; living with Thomas Lee, W, 4 May 1862. Spinning Master, Cotton Spinning, Retired.

Alice Mills, (LMAP) 18, S, Weaver. Mrs Mary A Mills, Mother, 52 Swansea Street, Preston. 5'2". Medium. Brown. Grey. Born Preston.

(IPL) 52 Swansea Street, Preston.  Weaver. 18.

  1. 6 Francis St, Hyde. 4 rooms. Father, William Mills, Head, 32, Boot Maker, Born Manchester. Mother, Mary Ann Mills, 29, married 7 years, 5 children born, 4 living, 1 died.  Cotton Weaver.  Born Preston, Lancs. Alice, 6 is the oldest child, youngest is 6 months old, the two youngest born in Hyde, the two oldest born Preston.

1923 Alice Mills arrives in Boston, her passage paid by her aunt in Pawtucket, RI. She subsequently marries J Aime Lambert and becomes a naturalised US citizen.

Lily Parr. (LMAP) Lilian Parr, 17y 4mo, Mother's Help. Mrs Parr Mother, 52 Union St, St Helens. 5'7". Fair. Brown. Blue. Born England St Helens.

(IPL) Lillian Parr, 52 Union Street, St Helens.  Domestic.  17.

1911: 56 Union Street, St Helens, Lancs. 4 rooms.  George Parr, Head, 36, Labourer Glass Worker.  Sarah Parr, Wife, 35, married 15 years, 6 children born, 5 living, 1 died.  Lilian, 6, has two older brothers and a sister, and a younger brother aged 12 months.  All born St Helens.

  1. Preston. 'Clybane'. Lilian Parr, 23 April 1905. S. Mental Nurse. Living with two other mental nurses, Mary and Norah Bowles.

Find a Grave website shows that Lily died in St Helens on 24 May 1978.

Lily Parr was the first woman inducted into the Football Hall of Fame in 2002.  See the recently unveiled display about her and her teammates at the National Football Museum, unveiled in July 2021.

Carmen Pomies (LMAP) Carmen Charlotte Pomies, 21, Typist. French. Mrs Summer Friend, 4 Possell St. Preston. 5'6". Fair. Brown. Grey. Born France, Paris.

Carmen Pomies was French and does not appear in English records for 1911 or 1939.

Florrie Redford.  (LMAP) Florence Ellen Redford, 22, Velvet Weaver. Mrs Redford Mother, 41 Bolton Road, Chorley. 5'5". Fair. Brown. Blue. Born England, York.

(IPL)  Florence Redford, 41 Bolton Rd, Chorley.  Weaver. 22.

  1. 13 Spa Road, Preston. 5 rooms. Alfred Henry Redford, 51, Coach Painter United Elec Car Works. Born Banbury.  Emma Redford, Wife, 51, married 21 years, 9 children born, 7 living, 2 died.  Born Leamington. Four daughters aged 21 to 14, all velvet weavers, all born York.  Florence Ellen Redford, 12, school part time and velvet weaver tenter. Born York.

Leading goal scorer 1921, scoring 170 goals!  Later became a nurse in Canada, returned to England and briefly played again with Dick, Kerr Ladies in 1938.

Molly Walker. Mary Alice Walker, 23, Tenter. Mrs Walker Mother, 30 Peel St Preston. 5'5". Fresh. Brown. Blue. Born England, York.   

(IPL) Mary (sic) Walker, 30 Peel Street, Preston.  Card Room. 23.

  1. [not enough information to identify her]

Jessie Walmsley (LMAP) 27y 6m, Nurse. Mrs Hardern. Mother. 29 Roseberry [sic] Ave, Bowerham. 5'7". Fair. Brown. Brown. Born Carnforth, Lancaster.

(IPL) 29 Rosebury [sic] Ave, Bowerham, Lancs.  Nurse.  27.

  1. 40 Market Street, Bare, Morecombe. 7 rooms. Jessie Walmsley, 16, Domestic Servant born Carnforth, Lancashire, in the home of James Noar, Head, 57, Clerk to Education Authority, born Canada, and his wife Mary Ann Noar, married 36 years, one child born and one child living, born Lancaster.
  2. 27 Grosvenor Place, Carnforth. Peter Walmsley, Head, 42. Railway Engine Driver born Lancs Galgate. Grace Walmsley, 39, M. Born Lancs Thurnham. 5 sons, 2 daughters aged 14 to 5 months. Jessie, 6, is 3rd youngest, all born Carnforth.

Her father Peter died in the early 1900s and her mother had re-married. Jessie died in Surrey in 1935, a mental nurse.

Alice Woods. (LMAP) 23y ?m, Domestic. Mrs Margaret Woods  Mother, 343 Sutton Rd. Sutton Oak, St Helens. 5'5". Fresh. Brown. Hazel. Born England St Helens.

(IPL) Nov 1922. 345 Sutton Road, Sutton Grove, St. Helens.  Domestic. 23.

  1. 345 Surron Road, Sutton, St Helens. 5 rooms.  Margaret Woods, Head, 62, Widow.  Two sons, three daughters, one married, including Alice, 12, School. Age range 29 ro 12.
  2. 4 Colenso Grove, Stockport. Herbert Stanley, M, 9 February 1902. Forwarding Clerk Petrol. Alice Stanley, [see Herbert Stanley above] 20 March 1899, Unpaid Domestic Duties. Herbert Stanley, S, 13 Sep 1929. At school.  One record redacted.

20 March 1899 - 1991.  A sprinter before joining Dick, Kerr Ladies in 1920.  Ran in the first meet under Amateur Athletic Association rules to allow women to compete, in Blackpool in 1918.  Married Herbert Stanley.


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