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Folder Zion Letters

The Zion Letters are a collection of letters from servicemen serving in UK forces during WW1 to Harold Hill of the Zion Institute on Stretford Road, Hulme. Most of the men concerned would appear to have been members of the Institute and their letters span the period from early in the war until some time after its end. There can be as few as a single letter from some men to well over a dozen for others. The content can be anywhere from the mundane to the highly detailed description of the writer's experiences and feelings about their situation.


Folder Conscientious Objectors
Folder Harold Hill's Letters
Folder Servicemen A-B
Folder Servicemen C-F
Folder Servicemen G-I
Folder Servicemen J-L
Folder Servicemen M-P
Folder Servicemen R-T
Folder Servicemen W


Select Toggle Title Date
pdf About Harold Hill and the Zion Institute ( pdf, 266 KB ) (168 downloads) Popular
pdf List of Correspondents ( pdf, 26 KB ) (58 downloads)