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Manchester, Crumpsall, St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church, Crescent Road, WW2

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St. Anne's R.C. Church

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

WW2 Memorial

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

World War 2
BIESLYJohnRoyal Air Force Feby 9th 1944
BOWYERDanielSeamanMarch 28th 1942
CULLENCharlesRoyal Navy Sept 24th 1942
DANSONCharlesRoyal Artillery May 16th 1941
DANSONKennethFlying OfficerR.A.F.
GARDINERJohn VincentR.A.F.March 16th 1945
GAULTraceyStaff Sgt.MjrAug 19th 1945
GREENGeorgeRoyal Navy June 6th 1940
LEAVEYJosephFlying OfficerR.A.F. March 24th 1945
McDONALDJohnFlying OfficerR.A.F. Sept 14th 1944
McHUGHEdwardRoyal Air Force April 4th 1943
McMAHONGeorgeRoyal Engineers Sept 11th 1940
MILLSJohn PatrickRoyal Air Force Oct 2nd 1943
POULTERJohnFlying OfficerR.A.F. June 28th 1944
WILLIAMSLeoR.A.F.March 15th 1945
YATESNormanRoyal Air Force Jany 28th 1944