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Oldham, Lees Cemetery (Soldiers' MIs)

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World War 1
COLLIERFrank NelsonIn loving memory of Fred the beloved husband of Mary Ann COLLIER who died Jany 18th 1930 aged 62 years also Mary Ann wife of the above who died Decr 30th 1961 aged 91 years also Frank Nelson son of the above who fell in action in France Nov 13th 1916 aged 21 years the Lord gave and the Lord taketh away also Ina son of Fred & Mary Ann COLLIER who died Decr 12th 1898 aged 15 months also Valerie Mary daughter of F Stanley & Mary E CLEGG born March 4th 1932 died March 24th 1932 also Edith CORBISHLEY daughter of Fred and Mary COLLIER who died Nov 13th 1989 aged 75 years also her husband Herbert who died April 29th 1990 aged 76 years
HEWKINAlanPte In ever loving memory of Emma the beloved wife of Walter HEWKIN of Clarksfield St Oldham who died July 8th 1918 aged 56 years also the above named Walter HEWKIN who died Nov 10th 1926 aged 64 years also of Edith their daughter who died April 29th 1898 aged 4 years also of Annie their daughter who died in infancy In ever loving memory of Pte Alan HEWKIN 4th Batt Royal Fusiliers the beloved son of Walter and Emma HEWKIN who was killed in France Feb 16th 1918 aged 19 years and was interred in Bucquoy Road British Cemetery Ficheux South of Arras it is not the length of existence which counts but what is acjieved in that existence
HORSFALLBernardIn loving memory of Mary Hannah the beloved wife of Aquila HORSFALL of Springhead who died 13 April 1929 aged 71 years also the above Aquila HORSFALL who died 13th July 1945 aged 86 years also Bernard their youngest son who fell in action at Vimy Ridge 8 April 1917 aged 20 years also George Gyte HORSFALL dearly loved husband of Lillie who died Feb 24 1960 aged 75 years also Lillie his beloved wife who died April 16th 1989 aged 94 years also Alice Ellen GYTE who died March 10 1946 aged 85 years
RAMSKERGeorge HenryPteIn loving memory of George Henry RAMSKER who died Octr 2nd 1901 aged 46 years also Alice Lucy his wife who died Augt 13th 1926 aged 62 years also Pte George Henry RAMSKER 1st Welsh Guards son of the above who fell in action Sepr 27th 1918 aged 30 years also Nellie daughter of the above who died July 26th 1920 aged 20 years
World War 2
MOORESFrank OgdenLieut (A)Treasured memories of our dear son Lieut (A) Frank Ogden MOORES RNVR died through active service Jan 11 1948 aged 25 years also Ogden MOORES died Dec 6 1957 aged 67 years also Leah his beloved wife died Jan 28th 1958 agd 67 years reunited
SHEARERJamesIn loving memory of Benjamin BRIERLEY who died January 30th 1909 in his 75th year also Anastatia wife of Benjamin BRIERLEY of Burton Street Lees formerley of Pitt St Glodwick who died April 28th 1899 in her 62nd year also James BRIERLEY son of the above who died September 23rd 1934 in his 73rd year also Maria his wife who died May 25th 1951 in her 89th year also James their son who died June 4th 1947 in his 47th year also James SHEARER RAF their grandson who died on active service October 10th 1939 in his 23rd year
WHITWORTHFrank GL/cplIn loving remembrance of Ralph Taylor WHITWORTH of Crossbank born Jany 27th 1880 died April 2nd 1930 also Bertha beloved wife of the above died March 10th 1951 aged 71 years also L/cpl Frank G WHITWORTH beloved younger son of the above and dearly loved husband of Frances killed in Holland Jany 2nd 1945 aged 27 years worthy of everlasting love