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Manchester, Victoria Park, St. John Chrysostom's Church, Warhurst Memorial Window, WW1

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St. John Chrysostom, Victoria park

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

St. John Chrysostom, Victoria Park - Warhurst Window

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

St. John Chrysostom, Victoria Park - Warhurst Window - Detail

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

St. John Chrysostom, Victoria Park - Warhurst Window - Dedication

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

World War 1
WARHURSTHarold BownPte15th Batt Royal Scots, Killed in Action in France 1st July 1916 aged 20 years
WARHURSTHarryPte6th Batt Royal Highlanders, Killed in Action in France 9th Aug 1915 aged 24 years