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Manchester, Philips Park War Memorial

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For more information about this memorial see:

Gorton and Philips Park Cemeteries: War Graves

Philips Park Cemetery - Memorial

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

Philips Park Cemetery - Memorial Rededication in 2009<br>following theft of plaques in 2008

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

Philips Park Cemetery - Memorial Rededication

Image Copyright: Mike Berrell

World War 1
ALDUSW RSpr.WR295065, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 9 Dec 1918, Section: K, Grave: CE 64
AMESA HPte277664, Regt: Manchester. Died: 21 Dec 1917, Section: D, Grave: CE 685
ARNOLDF DL/Tel.J34941, Regt: R N, HMS Vortigern. Died: 27 Nov 1918, Aged 21, Section: I, Grave: CE 2002
BACONJ WPte.29932, Regt: Manchester. Died: 7 Nov 1920, Aged 37, Section: I, Grave: CE 1879
BAILEYJCpl.3999, Regt: West Yorkshire. Died: 18 April 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 187
BALLAPte.11232, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 31 Aug 1916, Aged 18, Section: D, Grave: CE 684
BALLINGALLWPte.34197, Regt: Duke of Wellington's. Died: 3 March 1921, Section: I, Grave: CE 2050
BAMBURYF3rd Air Mech125657, Regt: Royal Air Force. Died: 15 Dec 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 1881
BEATTIESPte.21202, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 29 July 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 178
BEECHFShoeing Smith2533, Regt: Royal Field Artillery. Died: 3 Sept 1915, Section: I, Grave: CE 160
BELLJPte.41180, Regt: Cheshire. Died: 30 Nov 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 1955
BOOTHARfn.206117, Regt: The Rifle Brigade. Died: 10 Aug 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 272
BOTLEYEPte.30304, Regt: Manchester. Died: 15 Aug 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 1875
BOWLESDPte.269544, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 31 May 1920, Aged 35, Section: I, Grave: CE 251
BRACEGIRDLEJPte.18625, Regt: South Lancashire. Died: 5 July 1918, Aged 29, Section: I, Grave: CE 2717
BROOMEWPte.106313, Regt: Notts & Derby. Died: 18 March 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE1921
BRUENC JPte.PO/18554, Regt: Royal Marine Light Inf. Died: 21 April 1919, Section: D, Grave: RC 55
BULLOCKR JPte.62407, Regt: Monmouthshire. Died: 18 May 1918, Aged 48, Section: I, Grave: CE 202
BURNETTTSpr.WR/205375, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 19 Feb 1921, Section: I, Grave: CE 282
CHAMBERSCPte.TR/55875, Regt: Cheshire. Died: 9 Nov 1918, Aged 16, Section: I, Grave: CE 241
CHENEYJ JA/Sman.SS/5455, Regt: R N, HMS Davenport. Died: 29 Feb 1920, Aged 23, Section: I, Grave: CE 1837
CLEARYACpl.39324, Regt: Machine Gun Corps (Inf). Died: 2 Aug 1918, Section: H, Grave: RC 5
COLLINGESSpr.81916, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 6 May 1917, Aged 44, Section: D, Grave: CE 688
CONROYEPte.130510, Regt: Royal Army Medical Corps. Died: 25 Nov 1918, Aged 28, Section: H, Grave: RC 2
CUMMINSJPte.1515, Regt: Manchester. Died: 20 Dec 1918, Aged 27, Section: H, Grave: RC 22
DALTONTDvr.706595, Regt: Royal Field Artillery. Died: 31 Oct 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 304
DAVIESJStoker1799/U, Regt: RNR, HMS Vivid III. Died: 8 Jan 1919, Aged 48, Section: I, Grave: CE 1999
DIXONFPte.21034, Regt: Manchester. Died: 1 Jan 1915, Aged 43, Section: D, Grave: CE 520
DUFFYPPte.11638, Regt: Cheshire. Died: 28 Aug 1918, Section: B, Grave: RC 5
ELLISWPte.61591, Regt: Leicestershire. Died: 21 Dec 1918, Section: K, Grave: NC 930
FARRELLF WPte.16067, Regt: Border. Died: 26 March 1916, Section: E, Grave: RC 1142
FISHERTPte.63559, Regt: South Lancashire. Died: 9 June 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 2685
GALLAGHERWSgt.7040, Regt: Loyal North Lancs. Died: 6 Aug 1916, Section: E, Grave: RC 46
GILBERTFPte.3478, Regt: South Lancashire. Died: 21 Dec 1915, Section: D, Grave: CE 607
GILLAPte.13866, Regt: Royal Defence Corps. Died: 7 Aug 1920, Aged 53, Section: I, Grave: CE 307
GRAHAMJPionr.358654, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 29 June 1919, Section: D, Grave: RC 53
GRANEYWPte.19121, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 31 Oct 1915, Aged 22, Section: C, Grave: RC 175
GREATBANKSG HSgt.MM. 11215, Regt: Manchester. Died: 21 May 1916, Aged 27, Section: D, Grave: CE 1271
GRIFFITHSMPte.17136, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 22 May 1915, Section: I, Grave: CE 163
HALLG LPte.M2/054763, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 7 Aug 1915, Section: D, Grave: CE 1394
HAMILTONJPte.9484, Regt: Manchester Regiment. Died: 12 Dec 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 2721
HARDACREAPte.316583, Regt: Monmouthshire. Died: 27 Dec 1917, Aged 37, Section: I, Grave: NC 1294
HARGREAVESWRfn.A/3434, Regt: Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Died: 15 Sept 1914, Section: D, Grave: CE 1551
HAWKINSB TPte.0/44600, Regt: Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Died: 5 March 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 2516
HAYESWPte.4815, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 21 Sept 1919, Aged 52, Section: I, Grave: CE 2093
HOGGMPte.252816, Regt: Manchester. Died: 9 March 1919, Aged 36, Section: D, Grave: RC 61
HOLLINSW LDvr.T/278901, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 30 Sept 1917, Section: D, Grave: CE 1269
HOULDSWORTHT EPte.5031, Regt: Border. Died: 21 Aug 1916, Section: E, Grave: RC 43
HUDSONG HPte.27672, Regt: Manchester. Died: 2 Sept 1918, Aged 25, Section: I, Grave: CE 1870
HUGHESJ NPte.21342, Regt: Royal Welch Fus.s. Died: 21 July 1916, Section: D, Grave: CE 684
JENNERE HS/Maj.2029, Regt: Can. Army Medical Corps. Died: 24 March 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 2052
JORDANJ APte.21539, Regt: East Lancashire. Died: 26 Oct 1917, Section: D, Grave: CE 907
KEELANPPte.135032, Regt: Royal Army Medical Corps. Died: 17 Dec 1920, Aged 36, Section: D, Grave: RC 43
LEESJPte.19910, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 6 Dec 1915, Section: E, Grave: RC 1137
LEWNEYP EGnr.30064, Regt: Royal Field Artillery. Died: 25 Nov 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 1832
LOWEJ ADvr.T/390273, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 1 Jan 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 1914
MADDENJPte.TR3/12208, Regt: Manchester. Died: 26 June 1918, Section: H, Grave: RC 14
MADDOCKSGPte.TR4/64250, Regt: South Wales Borders. Died: 20 Jan 1918, Aged 18, Section: K, Grave: NC 957
MAKINJPionr.WR/23707, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 15 July 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 309
MARLANDJL/Cpl290719, Regt: Gordon Highlanders. Died: 13 Feb 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 183
MARTINTPte.12654, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 15 Dec 1916, Section: D, Grave: CE 903
MCGUINNESSJPionr.WR/328406, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 12 Nov 1918, Aged 41, Section: H, Grave: RC 13
MCKIERNANEPte.28857, Regt: Royal Welch Fus.s. Died: 24 July 1918, Section: H, Grave: RC 11
MOOREAA/Man 2nd Cl.13937, Regt: Royal Air Force. Died: 13 Feb 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 2723
MOORERPte.306709, Regt: Duke of Wellington's Regt. Died: 25 May 1917, Section: D, Grave: CE 689
MORRELLJ AGnr.164975, Regt: Royal Field Artillery. Died: 24 July 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 2725
MURRAYRPte.3474, Regt: Royal Lancaster. Died: 25 May 1920, Section: D, Grave: RC 46
OATWAYWSgt.8/22073, Regt: Cameron Highlanders. Died: 3 Nov 1918, Section: I, Grave: NC460
OLDHAMAPte.14347, Regt: Royal Lancaster. Died: 9 Nov 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 2044
OLDHAMR JPte.81238, Regt: Royal Defence Corps. Died: 17 Dec 1920, Aged 47, Section: I, Grave: CE 1841
OLIVERMPte.61797, Regt: Royal Welch Fus.s. Died: 10 Nov 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 1839
ORMRODHPte.6294, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 15 Nov 1916, Section: I, Grave: CE 174
PARRYGPO 1st Cl.165085, Regt: RN HMS Pembroke. Died: 11 March 1916, Section: D, Grave: CE 899
PENNINGTONJPte.21350, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 15 May 1920, Aged 37, Section: D, Grave: RC 46 MM
PIMBLETTJPte.4497, Regt: Royal Lancaster. Died: 2 Aug 1918, Aged 37, Section: I, Grave: CE 191
PINDERJCpl.WR/22042, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 6 Jan 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 1831
PLATTTPte.16150, Regt: Border. Died: 27 Sept 1915, Section: D, Grave: CE 1047
PRICHARDDGnr.705440, Regt: Royal Field Artillery. Died: 30 June 1918, Aged 25, Section: H, Grave: NC 1229
RAWLINSONJPte.62855, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 17 June 1917, Aged 20, Section: I, Grave: CE 300
REEDWPte.202972, Regt: Manchester. Died: 23 Nov 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 2046
RIDEHALGHDPte.9676, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 16 May 1915, Aged 36, Section: B, Grave: CE 970
ROBINSONTPte.49398, Regt: Manchester. Died: 29 Jan 1918, Aged 23, Section: I, Grave: CE 193
ROBINSONWCpl.22753, Regt: West Yorkshire. Died: 2 June 1918, Aged 48, Section: I, Grave: CE 2675
ROOKERW TPte.49409, Regt: Royal Defence Corps. Died: 13 March 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 1959
ROWLANDSJPte.5976, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 20 Aug 1915, Section: D, Grave: RC 198
ROYCEHPte.203377, Regt: Manchester. Died: 8 Feb 1921, Section: B, Grave: RC 72
RUDDAPte.6010, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 20 May 1917, Aged 34, Section: H, Grave: CE 1097
SHAWCPte.347560, Regt: Labour Corps. Died: 8 March 1919, Section: D, Grave: RC 55
SMITHJPte.45400, Regt: Manchester. Died: 3 Sept 1917, Aged 38, Section: I, Grave: CE 182
SOUTHERNJPte.13423, Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 8 Dec 1916, Aged 19, Section: D, Grave: CE 1125
STANLEYJPte.36087, Regt: Cheshire. Died: 5 Oct 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 206
SUMNERERfn.Z/849, Regt: The Rifle Brigade. Died: 21 Dec 1916, Aged 38, Section: D, Grave: CE 903
TAYLORJ JSpr.285600, Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 10 Dec 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 2087
THELWELLWRfn.96979, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 23 Nov 1919, Section: K, Grave: NC 954
TIPPINGRPte.T4/127251, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 18 Aug 1917, Section: I, Grave: CE 196
TUCKERSPte.4515, Regt: Royal Lancaster. Died: 20 March 1917, Aged 52, Section: D, Grave: CE 1268
TURNERP J HPte.11166, Regt: Manchester. Died: 19 May 1915, Aged 34, Section: I, Grave: CE 163
TURNERWRfn.R/11908, Regt: Kings Royal Rifle Corps. Died: 4 April 1916, Section: D, Grave: CE 1258
UNWINJPte.64121, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 25 Nov 1918, Aged 20, Section: I, Grave: NC 377
WALKERTPte.15970, Regt: Loyal North Lancs. Died: 13 May 1920, Section: I, Grave: CE 1878
WALKERWPte.22032, Regt: Manchester. Died: 20 Feb 1916, Aged 29, Section: B, Grave: CE 678
WALSHW CPte.47300, Regt: York & Lancaster. Died: 4 Nov 1918, Aged 19, Section: K, Grave: NC 931
WALTONWPte.46076, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 20 Aug 1918, Aged 42, Section: I, Grave: CE 243
WARNERJDvr.T/313007, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 4 Nov 1918, Aged 29, Section: I, Grave: CE 2044
WEDGEWLance Cpl4354, Regt: Manchester. Died: 11 June 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 198
WELSHJPte.29636, Regt: Loyal North Lancs. Died: 19 Dec 1918, Section: H, Grave: RC 20
WHEILDONJ J APte.353173, Regt: Manchester. Died: 13 Feb 1918, Aged 25, Section: D, Grave: CE 172
WILCOXHRfn.B/1005, Regt: The Rifle Brigade. Died: 31 Oct 1915, Section: I, Grave: CE 176
WILLIAMSE LPte.31523, Regt: The Cameronians (Sco Rif). Died: 27 March 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 2637
WILLIAMSW HPte.20112, Regt: Manchester. Died: 11 Dec 1915, Section: D, Grave: CE 602
WILSONEPte.SS/18763, Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 7 Aug 1920, Aged 51, Section: I, Grave: CE 2686
WILSONWPte.16702, Regt: Royal Lancaster. Died: 9 June 1915, Section: D, Grave: CE 1117
WOLFENDALEWPte.28294, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 25 April 1918, Section: H, Grave: RC 3
WOODJPte.17060, Regt: East Lancashire. Died: 28 Aug 1916, Aged 21, Section: D, Grave: CE1265
WOODSTPte.21221, Regt: East Lancashire. Died: 22 Feb 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 263
WRIGHTWPte.85890, Regt: The Kings Liverpool. Died: 16 Oct 1918, Section: I, Grave: CE 304
YOUNGWSgt.13141, Regt: Royal Fus.s. Died: 23 Dec 1919, Section: I, Grave: CE 1920
World War 2
AKEHURSTG AGnr.Regt: Royal Artillery. Died: 18 July 1941
BROOKSGPte.Regt: The Royal Berkshire. Died: 15 Dec 1942
BUTLERJPte.W/97606 Regt: Aux Territorial Service. Died: 9 May 1944, Section: F, Grave: NC 391
DEANLFus.Regt: The Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 23 Aug 1940
FITTONJDvr.Regt: Royal Army Service Corps. Died: 31 Jan 1945
FLANAGANHGnr.Regt: Royal Artillery. Died: 26 Oct 1942
GERRARDV CPI.Offr.146302 Regt: Royal Air Force. Died: 22 Oct 1943, Aged 24, Section: H Church, Grave: 21
IVESONWFus.Regt: The Royal Welch Fus.s. Died: 22 June 1945
JONESR JAG21091292 Regt: Royal Air Force. Died: 10 March 1942, Aged 33, Section: B, Grave: RC 221
KITCHENA EWO III (PSM)Regt: Manchester. Died: 10 March 1940
MANSLEYDPte.Regt: Pionr. Corps. Died: 23 Oct 1943
MCCURDYSGnr.Regt: Royal Artillery. Died: 17 May 1941
MCDONALDJPte.Regt: The Gordon Highlanders. Died: 30 June 1941
O'BRIENHSpr.216453 Regt: Royal Engineers. Died: 20 April 1944, Aged 29, Section: B Church, Grave: 201
OWENJ GL/Cpl.Regt: Manchester. Died: 30 Oct 1940
PARRTSgt.2212825 Regt: Royal Air Force. Died: 31 May 1944, Aged 27, Section: K Church, Grave: 2049
SKELTONAPte.3712442 Regt: The Kings Regt. (Liverpool). Died: 2 May 1945, Aged 26, Section: A Church, Grave: 1481
TITTERTONEFus.3449747 Regt: Lancashire Fus.s. Died: 9 Oct 1943, Aged 31, Section: C, Grave: NC 891
WALKERWGnr.1834253 Regt: Royal Artillery. Died: 5 June 1943, Section: N Church, Grave: 309
WILLIAMSONWGnr.Regt: Royal Artillery. Died: 21 May 1940