Manchester City Council

Burial Records Search

Search for:

Search for the person who was cremated or buried

If you pick 'Exact name', you will see only names that match exactly what you type. If you do not pick 'Exact name', you will see any name that includes what you have typed. For example if you type in 'Wil' you would see 'Wilson', 'Williams', Williamson' and so on.

Exact Name:

The person's first name(s):

The person's surname: *

Cemetery or crematorium:

Search for a burial or cremation that happened on a specific date, or from a specific date.

Search on or from this date (put as dd/mm/yyyy):

If you want to look on this date only, leave the next two boxes as they are.

If you want to look from this date, pick from the 'choose time period' list. Then put the number of days, weeks, months or years in the next box.

Number of days, weeks, months or years: